Everyone's Idol (29)

Su Jiu carefully observed Chuzheng's expression, but was disappointed as there was no large change in emotions on Chuzheng's face as though the words he spoke just now was as calm as asking her what she wanted to eat.

"Suit yourself.."

Su Jiu was shocked. "…"

Did it mean that she agreed? Or was she just pandering to him?

"There are rooms upstairs, pick one yourself." Chuzheng stood up. "Good night."

Su Jiu quickly stood up too. "I'm scared. If I sleep with you, I promise I'll be obedient and not move."

"You're not going to fiddle around?" This weakling must have forgotten what he did previously! Who gave him the courage to say such words!

"…" Su Jiu recalled back to the time when they participated in the Star Challenge and he unknowingly ended up at her side.

Su Jiu kept bothering Chuzheng and Chuzheng was so disturbed by him that when she went upstairs, she locked him inside a room.

Su Jiu banged on the door and called her.