I Will Look to Lord Fourth for Them

Ruoyin absent-mindedly trimmed the tulips, china pinks, and prunus triloba on the table.

She then inserted them into the jade vase that Lord Fourth had gifted. "They haven't seen Lord Fourth in a month. It's normal that they want to be valued. I would rather not join in."

The main point was that Ruoyin did not feel she was the type to display such acts.

Moreover, Lord Fourth had stayed at her place yesterday. It wouldn't be good if she requested some pampering today. Being together the entire time was not a good thing. She had to maintain a half-sweet-half-bitter relationship.

Since Consort Song and Consort Li had already gone there, it didn't matter if she did or didn't.

She really couldn't do something like sending Lord Fourth desserts, blatantly longing for his arrival.

Wasn't it better to just live comfortably and marvelously? Who knows, perhaps taking the unconventional road might be an opportunity for the back courtyard?

In the evening, after Lord Fourth had worked for the entire day, he stretched his stiff muscles and bones before glancing at the desserts Consort Song and Consort Li had sent over.

For some unknown reason, a gorgeous face floated into his mind. She had always sent food to the study room in the past. It was rare that she had not followed along today.

Now that he thought about it, she was a little different after recovering from her sickness. She became more gracious, natural, elegant, and a little… foolish!

It was good that Lord Fourth believed that it was because of the suffering she had gone through due to her sickness that she had transformed. The more experiences a person went through, the more they would understand the fortune of being alive.

After a day of recuperation, Ruoyin's body was no longer feeling so sore. Therefore, she sent her servants to get Consort Song and Consort Li to resume their morning ritual.

Consort Song was early, arriving just when it was 8 am.

Ruoyin had just finished dressing. She wore captivating red robes and a liangbatou on her head with a few exquisite jade hairpins. After looking at herself in the mirror, she headed out to greet Consort Song.

Consort Song was wearing her pink robes today. They were not too new and not too old. She had some loose powder on her face, making her look simple and elegant. When she saw Ruoyin, she bowed accordingly. "Paying my respects to the Fujin."

"No need for the formalities. You are here early. Please, have a seat." Ruoyin glanced at Qiao Feng as an indication.

Qiao Feng comprehended instantly and served Consort Song some tea.

Consort Song smiled in response and sat down. She felt that the Fujin had become more gracious recently. She even initiated a conversational topic. "I see that the Fujin's complexion is rosier. I am happy to see that her health is getting better."

"Your mouth sure is sweet." No matter whether Consort Song was genuine with her words or not, Ruoyin was still happy to hear them. She gestured to Nanny Liu by the side and said, "Nanny Liu, please retrieve four sets of satin from the warehouse for Princess Song."

"Yes," Nanny Liu responded and headed off to collect them.

Consort Song was surprised to be pampered like this. She stood up and bowed, "Thank you for the gifts."

"The summer is coming soon. Take them and make a few new clothes." Ruoyin waved her hand, asking her to have a seat.

After they'd been chatting for about five minutes, Consort Li finally arrived slowly with her servants.

Consort Li wore emerald green muslin clothes with embroidered pink lotuses. Her hair was combed into two buns, with a hollow beaded red plum flower hairpin with golden mesh. With a smile on her face, she was as tender and beautiful as a flower.

One had to admit that Consort Li's appearance was unique. It was just that her gaze was rather piercing. Therefore, she didn't look like someone who was easy to get along with.

Still conforming to the rules, she bowed as she entered. "Paying my respects to the Fujin."

"Yes, please have a seat," Ruoyin said nonchalantly.

It was said that three women made a market. But as Consort Song was timid and didn't dare to offend either side, her lack of participation did not allow the scene to last for long.

As they chatted, Consort Li began to become restless. Therefore, she began to show off the privilege she had. Holding her handkerchief, she smiled at Ruoyin. "If you feel unwell anywhere, sister, or if something is missing in the household, remember to let me know. I can get someone to send anything over to you."

"There's no need. I appreciate your kindness, but the servants underneath you are still not that great. Pardon my words, but you should really discipline them better." Ruoyin picked up a teacup and took a sip after saying that. She placed the cup down and continued with a smile, "Moreover, I have everything I need here. If there's anything I lack, I will look to Lord Fourth for it."

She was a little serious now. If they were talking about families, Consort Li was a Han woman, a daughter from a small prefectural magistrate.

As for Ruoyin, she was the daughter of Fei Yanggu, an infantry commander. And her maternal family was part of the white flag group in Manchuria.

Be it her role as the Fujin or her family background, she had a higher status than Consort Li. She really didn't understand where Consort Li's confidence to show off in front of her came from.

Wasn't it just the administration key? Why did it bring out such a sense of superiority in her?

Consort Li did not expect Ruoyin to have such a rebuttal. She thought that Ruoyin was still the same Fujin as in the past who would not talk back at her.

She was taken aback for a moment before she managed to string her words together swiftly in response. "The Fujin is right. I will make sure to discipline my servants well when I head back. It was just that I heard that the servants under the Fujiin were not obeying you, causing Lord Fourth to step up and discipline them in the end. If I must say, Lord Fourth is extremely busy. The Fujin should not let Lord Fourth overwork himself."

Since their conversation was not going smoothly and Ruoyin was not appreciating her kindness, Consort Li no longer tried to act like her sister.

"My expectations of my servants are not much. I just sent away some of the servants who were accepting benefits from both sides. Who knew that Lord Fourth would empathize with me, thinking that I had been wronged, and would want to vent on my behalf? I do feel apologetic for having troubled Lord Fourth." Ruoyin had a smile on her face. It was neither delighted nor unbridled.

Among the servants she had sent away, there were a few who refused to be disciplined and a few that were accepting benefits from others. There was no evidence, just signs. Therefore, she did not explain this to Lord Fourth.

Ruoyin's tranquil and calm smile was offensive to Consort Li. It was as if the words she had said were thrown onto cotton. No matter how she tried to provoke her, Ruoyin was not in the least concerned.

At the same time, this reminded her of the spy she had planted in the main courtyard that Ruoyin had sent away. Her face began to show a little discomfort.

She put on a slightly stiff smile and said, "I see. Lord Fourth really does treat the Fujin well." Her words sounded a little salty.

"What kind of words are those? Is Lord Fourth treating you both badly?" Ruoyin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The Fujin is right. Lord Fourth is kind to us as well. But the Fujin is good-looking, intelligent, and elegant. We will never be able to rise to that." Consort Song finally interrupted the conversation and tried to alleviate the awkwardness.

"Ah, it's like your mouth has been slathered with honey whenever you're here." Ruoyin smiled at Consort Song. It seemed as though Consort Song was smart. She knew when to speak and when to be quiet.

It was a pity that her family background was not great and she had given birth to a girl that did not survive. Her body had deteriorated and she no longer looked energetic.

Consort Li's lips twitched before she glared at Consort Song. "Boot-licker!" she mumbled under her breath.

At the same time, she disapproved of what was said. If she hadn't done something wrong, Lord Fourth wouldn't be this cold toward her, only flattering the Fujin and letting the Fujin float along with the rising tides.

But such a situation would not continue forever. It was fortunate that she was the only woman with a child in the back courtyard.

Even though her offspring was a girl, in the back courtyard that did not have any other children, her daughter was a precious gem.

Hmph. Just wait and see. Who knows who Lord Fourth will be pampering after a few days?