Lord Fourth Was a Traditional Physician

Without waiting for Nanny Liu to speak, Ruoyin said with a hoarse voice, "Go, have someone pass the word to the front courtyard that I am in heat and my throat is hoarse. I won't be able to serve Lord Fourth."

"Fujin, look at you. You just wouldn't listen to our advice. Didn't I tell you yesterday… Now, you wouldn't be able to serve Lord Fourth for a few days," Nanny Liu nagged at her as she looked at her pityingly. "Please don't be like this in the future. Aren't you just hurting yourself?" she continued.

"I understand," Ruoyin responded absent-mindedly. She didn't plan to hurt herself again the second time. "Have the kitchen prepare some pineapple rice. Cut open a fresh pineapple and use a small knife to dig out the fresh pineapple meat. Soak it in salt water for about ten minutes, then cut it into finger-sized cubes. Leave half of the pineapple shell to contain the rice. Heat the wok with some oil, then add egg, rice, and some ham. Leave out the shelled peanuts. Ask the kitchen to make a few more light dishes and soup."

After hearing her say that she understood, which meant she wouldn't do it anymore, Nanny Liu felt gratified.

Only after dressing up did Ruoyin notice the huge pimple on her nose. Her entire nose was extremely red like a clown's.

But it was better than she had imagined. She thought she would end up with a face full of pimples.

After memorizing Ruoyin's order by heart, Qiao Feng headed to the kitchen swiftly to order her meal.

When Eunuch Zhou heard the order in the kitchen, he realized that she had ceased her actions and was not trying to build up her internal heat today.

The pineapple rice sounded like a novel recipe, but it wasn't a hard dish to cook. Coincidentally, they were in the middle of the season where pineapples were in abundance.

The Fujin really did have good taste buds. She knew how to dine well. A true connoisseur!

Eunuch Zhou repeated the pineapple rice recipe that Qiao Feng had ordered to Chef Niu before adding, "Also, please prepare poached tofu, steamed meat, and bamboo shoot soup with liver."

Although Chef Niu was still curious as to why the Fujin had eaten so much heaty food yesterday and was eating cooling dishes now, he did not dare to utter a word as he cooked the dishes sincerely.

Lord Fourth was in a rather good mood today. After returning to the courtyard to change into his usual robes, he asked He Zhongkang, "Is the household doing alright?"

He Zhongkang smiled in response. "Replying to my lord. The household is fine, but the Fujin's throat is in heat and it is hurting a lot. She will not be able to serve you this time."

The moment Lord Fourth heard that, he shifted his gaze away. "Su Peicheng, go get the physician." With that, he headed to the main courtyard in huge strides.

In the main courtyard, Qiao Feng had just returned from the kitchen with the Fujin's meal. Just as she had finished displaying the dishes, Lord Fourth entered the house unannounced.

When Ruoyin saw Lord Fourth, she was a little taken aback. Seeing how unhappy he looked, she could guess that he probably knew about her excessive internal heat.

She lowered her head and went forward to take a bow. "Paying my respects to my Lord," she said with a slightly hoarse voice.

The moment he heard her slightly hoarse voice, Lord Fourth furrowed his eyebrows and acknowledged her with a dull hum before helping her up.

After Ruoyin stood up, she covered her nose with her hand by conditioned reflex, not wanting Lord Fourth to see her huge pimple.

"Take your hand away." Lord Fourth was angry when he saw her covering her nose. She had the guts to eat heaty food and yet she was afraid to be ugly in front of him?

After hesitating for a moment, Ruoyin slowly moved her hand away as her lips pulled into an awkward but not disrespectful smile.

"I can't believe you can still smile." Lord Fourth reached out to scrape against the pimple on the tip of her nose.

It would have been a loving action in the past when he scraped her nose, but it was intentional this time!

Ruoyin let out a hiss and shrunk away. She reached out to cover her nose and said, "Lord, that hurts!"

"Now you know what pain is. You only know how to eat those unhealthy foods every day." Lord Fourth reached out and tapped on Ruoyin's forehead with his slender finger.

Initially, Ruoyin thought that Lord Fourth was going to touch her nose again. Therefore, she shrunk her head away from him. But fortunately, he was only jabbing her forehead.

She pursed her lips and said softly, "People are still growing."

"Trying to grow? Yet you are eating such rubbish. I am going to punish those in the kitchen later, and I shall see if they will still dare to feed you all that unhealthy food!" Lord Fourth said through gritted teeth.

Lord Fourth could not bear to punish Ruoyin as she was now in heat. But he had to lay a fierce hand on those people in the kitchen.

His Fujin was not being thoughtful, but did that mean they have to fool around with her as well?!

Oh my, Ruoyin was stunned by Lord Fourth's tyrannical look. If that happened, who would dare to cook for her in the kitchen next time?

The thing she was most satisfied with after coming here was the delicious delicacies. She could eat as much as she wanted and no one could comment on it!

She absolutely couldn't annoy Lord Fourth anymore. Therefore, she tugged on his sleeve and said carefully, "My Lord, that wouldn't be good. The manager and the chef in the kitchen are all rather great. They even especially prepared soups for me that could reduce internal heat. It was just that I didn't drink any.

"Moreover, I am the master and your Fujin. They wouldn't dare to not make any of the food or say a word regarding what I wanted to eat. So please don't blame them. I was just overly excited yesterday and wanted to eat something fried. The excessive internal heat came from eating it for an entire day. I wouldn't dare to do this again next time. Please let them off, my Lord, and let me off. Please…"

Ruoyin used the most coyish voice she could as she acted coquettishly with Lord Fourth. She even brazenly swayed as she tugged on his sleeve and looked at him earnestly.

Lord Fourth was struck in the heart by her coyness. As he looked at her, she stared back at him with her innocent gaze that was begging for forgiveness.

He let out a sigh in his heart as his anger dissipated. "Stick out your tongue and let me have a look," he said coldly.

Seeing that he had changed the subject and he probably wouldn't pursue the matter any longer, she stuck out her tongue adorably.

"I told you to stick it out properly. Why are you swaying it around!" Lord Fourth said with a low voice. This was serious, not a time to be acting cute!

"Oh." Ruoyin was innocent. How could she be blamed for being naturally adorable?

However, she was still obedient and stuck her tongue out more. Was Lord Fourth a physician?

This time, Lord Fourth could finally have a good look. He couldn't help but berate her. "Your tongue is extremely red. You are suffering from huge inner heat!"

"My lord knows how to diagnose such things?" Ruoyin asked with adoration after putting her tongue in.

"A little." As the prince, it was unavoidable that there were times when Lord Fourth fell sick.

There would always be a bunch of physicians carrying out a diagnosis on him and giving him prescriptions for the smallest issue. Every prescription took ten days to half a month to complete. If it was a little more serious, he had to take them for a month.

And it wasn't just that. The servants that served him would receive punishment as well when he fell sick.

There were a few times when he fell sick and Kang Xi had killed a few of his considerate servants out of fury.

This left shadows in Lord Fourth's heart toward calling for physicians.

When he was ten years old, he read some medical books and was able to nurse himself for simple illnesses.

Slowly, the calls for physicians became rare, unless he was gravely sick.

"My Lord is so amazing!" Ruoyin genuinely admired Lord Fourth for being so knowledgeable.

"Stop trying to flatter me!" Even though that was what Lord Fourth said, which man…