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Gao Junwei, a typical melee Awakened, was proficient in martial arts and swordsmanship. He could also use Burning Flame to cover his body and his sword to cause continuous damage to an Awakened who had yet to master fire-element Star Techniques.

"Charge" could be used during melee fighting, providing benefits in every possible way.

A Remote Awakened proficient in Bursting Flames could release an explosive fireball.

One could also roar loudly and immediately rush into battle.

It could be described as having a well-balanced set of abilities. Well, at least during high school, he did not have any obvious weaknesses.

With his tall and burly figure and handsome appearance, Gao Junwei became the most popular boy in school who was idolized by many of the female students, especially since he had great abilities and a great family background.

However, there was more to him than met the eye.