The Eurasian Lolita and the Boys with the Crew Cut

Liu Ke was extremely lovable and attractive because she was adorable and had a cute smile and two tiny dimples.

At this moment, Liu Ke had already gotten out of bed and gone downstairs for her morning workout, after much persuasion by Elena.

There were already two boys waiting at the entrance of Dormitory 4.

The four were obviously companions who had agreed to work out together in the morning.

Liu Ke often had a bad temper after waking up, and once she was angered, she would rake up the past, including the information that Liu Ke had given her yesterday.

That new boy actually doesn't have WeChat!?!

Do you believe it?

Is he an aboriginal?

Jiang Xiao did not want to take the rap because Jiang Xiaopi didn't have WeChat and only opened a Weibo account. Who knew what tricks he had up his sleeve?