If I Lie To You, I'm a Dog

Jiang Xiao failed.

Before he finished writing the words "roasted chicken", Xia Yan kicked him away with her beautiful leg.

If Xia Yan was not a girl, Jiang Xiao would have lifted her clothes up and written the words on her back:

Stay loyal to your country!


Although Xia Yan did not step on the halo of Nostalgia and Jiang Xiao didn't give her a Blessing or Bell, the knife wounds on her arm were still healing slowly.

One could imagine how great of a state her body was in now.

Jiang Xiao finally knew where the problem lied. He shouldn't have taken such good care of her in the first place. He shouldn't have given her a Blessing + Bell just because she had sustained a small wound.

At this moment, Jiang Xiao only had something to say to Xia Yan:

I'm sorry, for giving you too much pleasure.