Exceptionally Jealous

"Stop!" a voice yelled angrily from the depths of the forest.

At the same time, everyone panicked and began breathing quickly while their limbs trembled.

That was the result in spite of their composure and strong willpower. Ordinary students would have long turned around and run away.

However, even so, it was still enough to affect Zhang Hui.

Previously, Zhang Hui was scared away by Gao Junwei's roar.

That was what Zhang Hui's character was like. When faced with the Roar of Fear, his physical and psychological reactions would cause him to make almost the same choice as he did previously.

However, this time, Zhang Hui did not flee immediately and instead seemed to have reacted out of the ordinary, because another loud and angry roar came from afar. "Hold it right there!"


The voice was bright and clear and seemed to have dissipated the gloominess within everyone's heart as if it was full of desolation.