Seeing Second Last Again

Leapfrogging, Skill Point +5.

Skill Points: 41


The information given in the internal Star Map made Jiang Xiao snap out of his trance and he wondered, Has the woman in the Sky Smasher already died?

Unfortunately, Jiang Xiao was already in the Nebula Stage. If he was still in the Stardust Stage, Gao Junwei's death would probably also give him Skill Points for "Leapfrogging".

"What do you mean?" Jiang Xiao asked as he looked at the contemplating Han Jiangxue.

Han Jiangxue pondered for a long while before saying, "If you think Second Last is trustworthy, we'll go look for her then. We'll expect the worst and be as prepared as we can."

Jiang Xiao nodded and hurriedly packed up while saying, "Open the Sky Smasher and throw the corpse in too."

Han Jiangxue hesitated and said, "We'll wait for a while."

Since their lives were concerned, they had to be very careful.