Clairvoyant Jiang

At this moment, Xia Yan was half-kneeling on Jiang Xiao's left checking Yan Zebin's injury.

The familiar voice that was mixed with a tinge of hopeless sobbing actually came from Jiang Xiao's right side.

It was just a few steps away from him, but the point was, there was no one there at all.

However, Jiang Xiao realized that at some point in the future, he would encounter a mishap there!

Besides, he would very likely get into a serious incident. Otherwise, Xia Yan wouldn't have sobbed in such a miserable manner. To Jiang Xiao, Xia Yan was not a feeble girl. Even if she had gotten stabbed, she wouldn't cry in such a manner.

How did Jiang Xiao know? Because Jiang Xiao had carved her with a knife before.


He didn't carve the words, "a trip here", but of course, it wasn't that much better. He carved… "not the place for a long stay!"

Jiang Xiao thought to himself that the matter was just too peculiar.