Reward for the Champion

In the monitoring room of the hotel, the security guard called, "Come here, come here. Look at this kid, he's being so sneaky. He's been loitering around this entrance for a long time."

Another security officer hurried over, looked at the monitors, and gave it some thought before saying, "The third floor is filled with contestants. They're all incredibly talented and powerful. We'd better not bother. Let me see… 306, I do have some memory about this room. It seems to be the room that a famous and impressive female contestant of this year is staying in."

The security officer suddenly saw something, and he was so infuriated that he began stomping his feet. "Wow, this kid is such a coward. No, we must catch him!"

It turned out that the monitor showed a boy loitering around the door of a hotel room and hesitating if he should knock on the door.