The lonely college entrance examination

Jiang Xiao and Han Jiangxue didn't stay in the capital and boarded the plane to jiangbin city the next day.

Two hours later, they returned to jiangbin city.

There was also a small incident. During the security check, Han Jiangxue was brought to the office by the security personnel as the subject of the spot check.

When she was asked to show her Star Warrior identification, Han Jiangxue was put in a spot and could only tell the truth. She had not graduated from high school and was not qualified to apply for a Star Warrior identification.

To Han Jiangxue's surprise, the staff immediately asked to take a photo with her and get an autograph ... Well, Han Jiangxue was then released.

After boarding the plane, Han Jiangxue told Jiang Xiao about the matter.

As the neglected MVP, Jiang Xiao was so angry that he fell asleep all the way ...

In fact, when the two of them went to the capital from Chang 'an, they were stopped once at the security check at the station.