Looking down on who

One of them was from the northernmost province of China, while the other was from the capital of China, the Imperial City.

One was a high school practical class teacher, while the other was a teacher at Beijing Star Warrior University.

One was at the pinnacle of the Galaxy stage (to be considered), and the other was the king of the Galaxy (to be considered).

Uh ... However, Jiang Xiao didn't panic at all, because hai Tianqing was handsome and had a warm heart.

The former could attract people.

The latter could capture people.

Besides, hai Tianqing was a former light-chaser and the coach of the national championship. He had his own Halo and strength.

Jiang Xiao ate a cake and left immediately.

How should he put it?

Children and grandchildren have their own fortunes.

Uh, no! It was ... When an apprentice led the way, a blind date depended on the individual.