
The further north they went, the closer they were to the holy ground, and the more monsters there were on this route.

Jiang Xiao was very lucky to find his 10th lava Ghoul witch. Unlike the other lava Ghoul witches, it not only had more than a dozen lava Ghoul underlings but also three lava Ghoul generals.

The lava Ghoul general was like a large lava Ghoul. It was about two meters tall, had a huge body, broad shoulders, and strong limbs. Its skin was more vibrant than the dark red color, and it had a head similar to that of a Western demon.

Sharp fangs and claws were its standard features, and every time its claws swept past, it would always throw out a flame arc.

The flame arc cut through everything and even flipped the little lava ghouls that were running around.

The lava ghouls were only 60 to 80 centimeters tall. Compared to the giant lava Ghoul that was about two meters tall, they were indeed a group of "younger brothers."