What a fast blade!

Seven hours later, second last walked out of the tent. Her extremely healthy body and sufficient sleep made her look refreshed and energetic, unlike the drunk woman she had last night.

As soon as she opened the tent door, second last saw Jiang Xiao standing silently by the river, guarding the tent.

Second last's heart warmed and she opened her mouth, wanting to say something. However, she didn't say anything in the end and instead walked over.

Upon hearing her voice, Jiang Xiao turned around and said,""You're awake. "

"Yes." Second last walked into the river barefooted, squatted down, and washed her face with the clear water. The cold water made her feel much more awake."Let's go."

Before Jiang Xiao could speak, she continued,""I'll drive. "

Upon hearing her words, Jiang Xiao almost burst into tears. This girl finally found her conscience!

Finally! He could also sit in the co-pilot seat once!