The journey to the alien planet

Jiang Xiao, the decoy, transformed into a Crow and flew through the layers of snow forest, only to see the White ghouls fighting fiercely.

"Hiss ... Roar!"

" The huge white ghouls three meters away were engaged in a life-and-death battle. They glared with their Scarlet eyes and their sharp claws were intertwined. Blood splattered everywhere and minced meat flew everywhere. It was an extremely gory scene.

"CAW, CAW, CAW~" at this moment, a pitch-black Crow cawed softly and passed by in a low-key manner.

Do you want Jiang Xiao to stop blabbering? That was impossible!

'Hmm ...' At most, it would be softer.

Jiang Xiao, who had the STAR technique perception, easily found the huge cave at the foot of the mountain.