Got into trouble

The six matches on the first day ended very quickly, and Jiang Xiao saw some precious star beasts from various European countries.

The pair of "Little Red Riding Hood" and "little blue Riding Hood" left the deepest impression on Jiang Xiao.

Their owners were the green Brothers from the country of will. It was said that they had specially come to participate in the competition with the main star techniques of the world's runner-up, European Shield Neil, for the sake of Jiang Xiao, the world champion.

He clearly wanted to get back at them.

If a one-on-one fight didn't work, he had to win back his face in the battle of star pets?

Jiang Xiao scoffed and thought, bring it on then!

Money and power? I can 't. Fight? You can 't!

People just thought too highly of themselves.