The young man sitting on the head of the giant whale

Add more chapters for the leader of the big lecherous flying rat Alliance.


"Come over, it's not hostile towards us." Jiang Xiao said.

Although he couldn't hear what his teammates were saying, Jiang Xiao still said,""It's just a little lonely, so it wants to take us to see its amusement park. "

In the distance, the three of them looked at each other in disbelief.

Jiang Xiao, who was initially in a daze, suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Ever since the two heavy blows, Jiang Xiao's senses had become more closely connected with the giant whale 's. After breaking through a "thin layer", Jiang Xiao realized that he could actually connect with the whale's thoughts.

And this mental connection was mutual.

There was a language barrier and different species.

They couldn't understand what the other was trying to say, but they could feel each other's feelings.

He could even feel the image in the other party's mind.