Various Star Warriors and gods

On the green field, the 1v1 matches were still going on.

Jiang Xiao returned to Wu Ji's side and continued to watch the game with him. He also watched Ying Xi lose the game and stop in the last round, missing out on the World Cup.

The one who defeated Ying Xi was also a rules awakened from West Ocean martial arts university. He was in his fourth year and was at the peak of the Galaxy stage.

His star techniques were based on the land of Xihai province and had a lot of regional characteristics. The combination of rock-series and water-series star techniques was extremely perfect, and Jiang Xiao was amazed.

Yao Chenguang! Very good, I'll remember your name!

What a good slam of Mount Tai! This winning seal was really smashed ... He was just short of sticking a note on the mountain.

There was one less third-year student, and one less student from a traditional school ...