The strange Dragon Cave

The next day, at dawn.

Everyone lined up, got on a minibus, and went directly out of the gate.

Due to the special mission and the identity of the members in the car, there were not many procedures for inspection.

After nearly half an hour's drive, the minibus slowly drove into a military base in the deep mountains and old forests.

There were high walls here, and a large number of soldiers were standing guard. After going through layers of inspection, the group finally entered the core area of the military base.

The composition of the guards here was rather complicated. Jiang Xiao saw the soldiers of Huaxia and the Russian Federation through the layers of checkpoints. Clearly, the Dragon Cave was guarded by the two countries.

Unlike what Jiang Xiao had imagined, the gate of the Dragon Cave seemed to be opened underground.

After entering the central base, under the guidance of an officer, everyone took the elevator and went all the way down to the 33rd floor.