Public Enemy

"Yangma TV station! Yangma TV station! Hello everyone, I'm your host, ye Xunyang. " A mature urban woman was holding a microphone and standing in front of a pillar in the courtyard of a hotel.

Of course, this woman was also the host who was used by nanny yang to broadcast the Star Warriors world Cup. During the previous World Cup, she had even invited Jiang Xiao to do an interview program and could be considered an old friend of his.

Ye Xunyang turned to the side and pointed at the hotel behind him."This is the capital of the will nation, Bailin city. The hotel behind me is the hotel where the players from the various countries are staying in for the World Cup individual competition."

Ye Xunyang put on a professional smile and took two steps to the side.

As the camera moved, a group of people waving small flags outside the hotel's front yard entered the camera's scope.