Amnesty enlistment?

"To win the championship in advance! China was going to be the champion of the individual competition! The 2019 World Cup individual competition, China's civil war! Support an internal battle!"

"Huaxia has obviously found a new path to train medical support players. Is medical Star Warrior really the most powerful profession in one-on-one combat?"

"Poison milk disciple defeated the host! The finals with the king of toxic healers! This is the first time in the history of the World Cup that they've won the championship against their country!"

"The mysterious man has appeared in the Olympic Stadium and rescued the contestant of Marda from the apynching Peninsula."

"God Pi was shocked by the mysterious strong man. His face was pale and he broke out in a cold sweat. He sat in the green field for a long time, unable to get up. Affected by the deterrence of this mysterious person, the king of toxic healers is afraid to miss the World Cup team competition tomorrow. "