It's time to show my real skills!

Upon hearing second last's words, Han Jiangxue raised her eyebrows slightly and thought to herself, is commander Luan giving up her power completely?

* Whoosh ... *

The group of four entered in a single file and stood at the intersection of the four terrains.

The sky was bright, but the huge, fiery sun was setting in the West at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

Jiang Xiao said,"Xia Yan, from now on, your codename in the tail feathers team will be seven tails. Rain, tears. You can't stop until I tell you to."

Xia Yan's eyes turned red and dark clouds gathered in the sky. She said in surprise,""You want to give me the code name of the tail feathers team? That was great, but ... But why seven tails?"

Jiang Xiao's eyes were also red and he chatted while waiting for the rain to fall.