The celestial flower and the arrival of stars

Xiao Lulu~"

In the sky, the black Ridge fire feather flapped its wings and landed.

Jiang tu looked at old he, who was swinging the bell, and said,""The crisis has been resolved."

He Yun looked at the soldiers coming out of the dense forest and quickly returning to their ranks. He said,""What's the current situation?"

At his side, the blind girl's figure quietly appeared, and she said,""It should be the diamond Star Beast Army led by a four-man team."

"Yes." Jiang tu nodded and said,"the diamond Star Beast Army's first attack was stopped by us, the soul Warriors and book souls. After that, the Army was already in chaos.

That man's thinking is not bad, and he's also very sharp. He found the key person to stabilize the morale of the Army, the dancer. "