The three thousand monkey manors surrendered in defeat

In the strange ball, in the Beijiang land, the red pine area.

In the cold icy rain, little Chongyang held the Fang Tian Hua halberd in his hand and the hissing wind flaming feathers under his crotch. He led a group of barbarians and galloped through the vast forest and snowy plains.

As they had to take care of the speed of the Barbarian tribe, the little double sun did not ride very fast. Although the barbarians all had terrifying long legs, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

"Three tails."

"What?" The blind girl, who was draped in the sea-devouring soul, felt Jiang Xiao flying beside her. She expressed assent softly amidst the sound of his footsteps.

"I'm going to give up the jiangbin area,"Jiang Xiao said.

"What do you mean by 'give it up'?" the blind girl asked indifferently.