
In the camp's tent.

Under the attention of the group of big shots, Jiang Xiao picked up a pen and continuously drew diagonal lines on the map.

In a short while, Beijiang, Zhongji, Liaodong, the greater part of Dameng, the Central Plains, and Ludong were all painted with green diagonal lines.

Jiang Xiao turned around and said,"apart from a few Urban area that I've left behind, I've already cleaned up all the star beasts in these areas. You know, I have a star map effect that can allow me to fully equip my star beads and improve the quality of my star techniques. Now, my calamity shadow ruins has become another strange ball."

In front of the conference table, a few of the wasteland reclaimers looked at each other, especially Tao Sichen and Tao Sijun. These two old men looked exactly the same, and with the way they were grimacing ...

That scene, hmm ... It was very funny ...