Sealed star weapon manufacturing

I'm here for you, Alliance master.


It was really a magical transformation of stars into martial arts. It had nothing to do with combat techniques or the understanding and application of a certain element, but it was about knowledge?

Now, it seemed that Jiang Xiao's knowledge and understanding of star beasts and star techniques in this Star Warrior world was enough for him to open the book!

"Star Warrior history"?

The name ...

Jiang Xiao's heart skipped a beat, as if he could suddenly understand the magical words.

'No...' Understood ... He didn't understand.

The words on the first page looked familiar to him, but he couldn't read them or understand them.

Jiang Xiao flipped to the back and read it page by page. Finally, after a few pages, Jiang Xiao saw a page of words that he could understand!

"Star, star power."

"Stardust, Nebula, Galaxy, sea of stars ..."

Chinese? How could it be in Chinese?