The true secret of the dragon Cave!

Three days later, in the Dragon Cave.


"Silence!" Jiang Xiao threw out a shot of silence, which landed heavily on the ferocious Mist Dragon in front of him.

Jiang Xiao put on a cloak and flew backward while a large number of water droplets quickly appeared around his body and hung in the air. It was a beautiful scene.

"If you don't know, then don't know. Why did you spray me ..." Jiang Xiao mumbled while the water of star power surrounded his body, which was mixed with tears.

The insufferably arrogant Mist Dragon in front of him was immediately dumbfounded.

Today was a rather bizarre day for it.

A small human actually brought a big fish here to ask him questions?

The mist Dragon was furious!

Do you have some misunderstanding about our Mist Dragon clan?

Do I look like the kind of Dragon that likes to help others?