Those who transform into me live, and those who resemble me die.

"Yinya has fallen! Feima was in a hurry! Nihon is surrounded by enemies on all sides, the Madai is finally drowned and will become history, and everyone in the ocean Kingdom is in danger!"

"All ocean operations around the world have been stranded. The economic losses are immeasurable, and the number of human casualties is difficult to calculate. How long can humans last ..."

"A God-tier Star Warrior has appeared in the coastal area of Liaodong, Huaxia! He's going to defeat the ocean Army by himself!"

"Its trunk connects the land and the sky. Is this really still within the scope of Star Warriors?"

"The appearance of the mysterious planet's martial Artists in the Environment of human defeat has given Huaxia a shot in the arm!"


The feud between Jiang Xiao and Hopkins was private and invisible to the public. Of course, they might never know that Jiang Xiao had gotten rid of a world-class criminal without anyone knowing.