Not Simple

The New Year's Banquet was always one of the most sumptuous occasions in Yinchuan. It was more open, so lower-ranked nobles were eligible to go. Attendance was, however, restricted to legitimate spouses and children. Not a single concubine, even of the emperor himself, would be there. There was to be lots of food, competition, possibilities for some match-making, and fireworks. For many a poor marquis's daughter, this would be her only chance to put herself out there to hook a husband.

Typically, people at the banquet were seated based on their rank. Those from similarly-ranked families would be sitting closer together. This was a not-so-subtle reminder to people to mind their place. On this particular night, this rule was more relaxed. As Yi Cheng Rui sat next to his friend, he wondered if this was a scheme on the emperor and Prince Rui's part to allow Wei Tian Ao to mingle with more people. Surely they weren't doing it purely to allow him to be more comfortable? The emperor had gotten rid of the rule of separation of genders at this banquet, too, so who knows what he could be scheming.

"I have heard so much about you from my dear husband, Younger Cousin," tittered Wei Yin Fang to Wei Tian Ao, who partially hid her face behind her hand for modesty's sake. "It's a pity that we have not been formally introduced before now."

A faint smile danced upon Wei Tian Ao's face. "Yes, that's very true. I also see that Royal Older Cousin is even more beautiful than previously heard."

"Oh, you've developed quite the glib tongue." the second princess laughed.

With the placement, one might almost mistake Wei Tian Ao for a member of the Yi family, but at least he was comfortable. It had to be said that Yi Cheng Rui had never seen his friend talk so much. Wei Tian Ao seemed very at ease as he spoke with various noblemen. Of course, it was unknown how much nervousness or disgust he felt on the inside.

Yi Cheng Rui cast a glance lower down the table where Duke Ning's family was sitting. Yan Qiu Yue's brother and cousins formed a protective layer around her. The only outsiders able to approach were her close friends. He thought back to that afternoon at the Tiankong Tower, that eye-catching sight of Yan Qiu Yue and Wei Hong Sheng conversing amongst the trees as if they might be secret lovers. Was this seating arrangement meant to protect her from Wei Hong Sheng, or...?

Naturally, with his eyes busily scanning the crowded banquet hall, Yi Cheng Rui missed Wei Tian Ao's multiple looks in that same direction towards Duke Ning's area. He would have rolled his eyes if he'd noticed.

The food was somewhat bland and heavy, as usual, but anyone with any sense would have eaten before attending the banquet. That way, they could appear modest and elegant as they partook little bits of their food.

"Pardon my ignorance, but what happens to the leftover dishes?" Wei Tian Ao asked as he watched tray after tray of food cleared away by the servants.

"Thrown away. Perhaps fed to the Holy One's royal dogs?" Yi Qiang Li hazarded a guess.

"Royal Father wouldn't feed such food to the dogs. I'm sure it's all dumped somewhere." the second princess corrected.

Wei Tian Ao couldn't help but frown a little. "That seems rather wasteful."

The fourth prince, seated nearby, heard this and remarked, "What else could be done with the food? Do you expect other people to partake in our leftovers afterward? What an utter scandal that would be!"

"I don't expect that. However, it must be said that making all this excess food is not cheap. Could we not save money by--"

"Do you think Eastern Wei's royal coffers empty? The amount of money necessary for a banquet such as this is nothing!" The fourth prince laughed.

Wei Tian Ao picked up his cup of wine and sipped it. Even after putting it down, he continued gazing down at it. "You say... 'A banquet such as this'? Fourth Prince, are you calling Royal Uncle's banquet humble? Is that why the money required is not much?"

The fourth prince was taken aback by the somewhat malicious reinterpretation of his words. Clearly that had not been his meaning! He could not help but glance in Wei Hong Sheng's direction. This brother of Hong Sheng's was not simple! However, Wei Hong Sheng was currently in the middle of a lively conversation and paid no attention to this end of the table. The fourth prince finally said, "Surely you jest, cousin. I am merely saying that no matter how much money is spent on a banquet, there is plenty more remaining in the coffers. Royal Father's country is rich." He paused a moment, regaining his calm before smirking. "Cousin is so fixated on money... Should we say that you are naive, or that it's clear that you were, after all, raised by merchants? No wonder you don't understand these things."

Wei Tian Ao's eyebrows furrowed. Under the table, out of the eyes of others, Yi Cheng Rui lightly kicked him. When Wei Tian Ao looked up, Yi Cheng Rui very slightly shook his head. Wei Tian Ao inhaled, then smiled as he replied, "You are right, Royal Cousin. It was Tian Ao who was ignorant."

"It's good as long as you understand." The fourth prince nodded. He was an old hand at these types of social interactions and very naturally hid his discomfort at Wei Tian Ao's earlier jab. Inside, however, he worried that Wei Hong Sheng would have his hands full with such a brother as his opponent. Not so long ago, this one was merely a know-nothing merchant's son from Northern Xi, but now... It wasn't so obvious anymore that he wasn't originally from Yinchuan.

Once all the food dishes were finally cleared away, the emperor clapped his hands and all conversation ceased. "This Emperor is so very pleased to see everyone here today. It is sure to be a blessed new year, indeed." He continued rambling on for a while. Everyone in attendance laughed at the appropriate times, sighed in admiration at the appropriate times, and applauded at the appropriate times. Emperor Yong Le felt very gratified. "It would not be much fun without some activities, so this Emperor proposes a little poetry competition." The emperor waved his hands and a whole group of eunuchs came out. "We have chosen one person at random from each noble family. This person is to compose a couplet of poetry for the new year." He paused, then chuckled. "Do not be upset at this Emperor for the selections, all right? As we have said, it was random!"

The eunuchs handed out paper, brushes, and ink to the chosen members of each family. Some looked excited, others looked rather dismayed. Not all of those selected were particularly talented in poetry. Yi Cheng Rui let out a sigh of relief when his younger brother was chosen for the task...then he noticed Wei Tian Ao's strange expression. "What is it?"

"Well..." Wei Tian Ao was about to say "umm", but glanced at Yi Qiang Li and then stopped himself. "It was a random selection." he finally muttered, though Yi Cheng Rui was not sure if those words were meant for him or not.

Yi Cheng Rui looked up and immediately realized what Wei Tian Ao was somewhat downcast about. For Prince Rui's household, Wei Hong Sheng had been chosen to compose a couplet. He was certainly in his element there. And for Duke Ning's family, the beautiful Yan Qiu Yue stared with furrowed brows at the blank paper placed in front of her.

Wei Hong Sheng and Yan Qiu Yue. Could this be someone's scheme? Or worse, if this selection was truly random, then could it be that even fate had some devious plans?