They met in the after life

Tomorrow is Kongpobe's 17th birthday. He is very excited about it. There is going to be big party at his house. He was almost jumping. He wanted to go home today but his parents told him to come on date for his surprise. But now he is late for his class which is so unusual. He was running across the empty street. But suddenly....


A drunk brat suddenly came out of nowhere with high speed and run over the innocent boy and crashed heavily with a pole and he also died on spot.

Kongpobe didn't understand what was happening around him suddenly he was feeling so much pain but he couldn't feel his body. He heard lots of footsteps around him but his vision was blurry which made it unable to understand anything. Slowly the sounds started to fade and darkness reined his vision.














When Kongpobe open his eyes he was in a very dark and cold room. He found himself lying on a steel bed. When his eyes adjusted with the lights he could hear the sound of someone crying. He went to where the sound was coming from. He saw his mother crying on his father's shoulder while his father was hugging her. He went running to his mother and tried to hug her but his hands went through her body.

Kongpobe's eyes widen from shock. He looked around and saw May crying in the arms of Aim his best friend. There was his friend Wad standing like a statue. He went to him and tried to grab his shoulder and again his hand went through him.

Kongpobe was standing like a stone unable to understand what was happening. Then a lady came to his father and called him which got his attention.

"Mr. Sutthiluk you can take way the body now. Just sign here." the lady said handing her clipboard to Kongpobe's father.

"Who are you calling a body? He is my son." Mrs. Sutthiluk said angrily and was about to stand up but Mr. Sutthiluk stopped her.

"Sorry." Mr. Sutthiluk said in a hoarse voice which made it clear that he too have been crying.

"Its okay. Actually I'm also sorry I shouldn't have said it like that. He was your son after all." saying the lady left taking the signed papers.

Then two men came and pushed a body out of the morgue.

Kongpobe fell on the ground thinking what just happened it was moments ago when he was crossing the road and now moments after he is dead. Kongpobe couldn't think anymore when darkness again surrounded him.












This time Kongpobe opened his eyes and found himself in a temple. It was elegant. After few minutes he realized that that it's the same temple where the funeral of his grandparents were held. It was their family tradition to held a two weeks funeral ceremony.

Kongpobe went to where the bire were placed for chanting. He was leaning on the wall and watching friends and family chant along the monks. It was hard for him to believe that he was dead. But what can he everything was in front of him. He was feeling very sad seeing his mother so vulnerable he wanted to hug her but he couldn't. So he went to behind the temple where the cemetery was. Only good thing about him being dead is that he could walk through the walls so he didn't have to walk around.











Kongpobe was walking around when he saw the place where his body will buried. Suddenly his knees gave up and he slumped down on the ground. He was staring blankly at the empty grave. Suddenly a tap on his shoulder brought him to reality. Kongpobe turned around to see another boy frowning at him. The boy had silky black hair which was shining under the sun. He had a milky fair skin which seemed to be very smooth unlike Kongpobe who had a sun kissed tan.

"Hey N' are you okay?" the boy asked.

"Huh?!" Kongpobe was so lost in the other's look he didn't understand what he was asked.

"Why are you sitting in front of this empty grave?"

"You can see me?" Kongpobe asked when he was out of his daze.

"Sure I can. You are dead. Why won't I see you?" The boy asked back.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is welcome to the after life. I'm also dead like you. And hello I am Arthit and you?"










It's been three days since Kongpobe met Arthit. He is less grieving now. Arthit told him many things. He made it like it was a good thing but still he was sad seeing his family sad.

It was night time after Kongpobe was buried everyone was inside the temple. Only Kongpobe and Arthit was sitting side by side on the branch of the big tree beside the cemetery. They were watching the fireflies dancing in the dark. There was a harmonious silence with the song of crickets.



"Can I ask you something?"


"Then promise you won't be angry."

"We are already dead Kong. There is no meaning of getting angry now."


"No buts. Look Kong you are my only friend now. I don't know why but every other souls are so rushed to get reincarnated as soon as their buried."


"And thanks to your family you will be here for five more days. So I want to spend the time with you before you leave." Kongpobe could see the sadness in Arthit's eyes even though he was smiling at him.

"I won't." Kongpobe replied without thinking.

"We will see. So what is that you wanna ask?"

"Why aren't you reincarnated?"

"Because I choose not to be."


"You really wanna know?"

"Yes." Kongpobe said nodding.

"I don't wanna go back to the greedy world of those filthy people. This nature wandering as a soul with out any worries its good." Arthit said looking at the fireflies.

"Hmm fair enough. Can I ask another question?"

"Didn't I said you can ask anything." Arthit said turning to Kongpobe.

"Umm yes." Kongpobe said scratching his neck.

"So?" Arthit raised his brows.

"H--how di--did you di--died?" Kongpobe asked slowly not knowing how the other will react to his question.

"Murder." Arthit said with a neutral expression while looking at the sky.

"Huh?" Kongpobe was not sure he heard right.

"My uncle murdered me a week after my 18th birthday when I was legally the owner of the property left by my late parents."

"P'.." Kongpobe didn't understand what to say.

"He pushed me off the 9th floor of our companies building and made it look like it was a accident caused by slippery floors."


"Yeah. How silly they even trusted such silly cause. But I think they were paid a lot." Arthit said laughing sadly.

"I'm sorry." Kongpobe said looking at his feet.

"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything. And if you think about it I got to meet you because he killed me." Arthit said with a gentle smile.

Kongpobe didn't know why but Arthit's words made him feel warm inside.













After that night days passed smoothly. Arthit showed and taught Kongpobe many fun ghost tricks. And Kongpobe knew what was the warm feeling he was feeling inside him. He fell in love with the elder. And he wanted to stay with him always. He wasn't sad about his death anymore. He agreed with the elder that it was good cause they met each other.

Only two days left till he will have to answer to the messenger angel what he wanna do.

Arthit told him that a messenger angel comes to everyone in every 100 years of their death anniversary to know if they want to be reincarnated or not and Arthit denied his.

Kongpobe want to stay with Arthit but he also wanna grow old with him. He wanna sleep and wake up to Arthit. So he decided to tell Arthit about his feelings tonight.









At night Kongpobe blindfolded Arthit with his soul power. And bring him to Arthit's grave coincidentally which was beside Kongpobe's grave.

Kongpobe unfolded the blind and Arthit was amazed to see something so beautiful.

Fireflies lit up both his and Kongpobe's graves. The flowers were also lit up with soul power which Arthit taught Kongpobe.

"Wow!! What is this Kong?" Arthit asked looking around.

"Do you like it?" Kongpobe asked.

"Like? I love it. Its so beautiful." Arthit was smiling widely which made Kongpobe smile too.

"P' I wanna say something."

"Okay. What is it?" Arthit asked looking at Kongpobe.

Kongpobe took a deep breath and started.

"P' I don't know about you but the last few days it was something I can't forget. I know we both are dead. But still I don't know why but I started to feel something. I started to feel for you. You are so bright like the sun. You came and the darkness named misery around me disappeared. I don't know if you feel the same way or not but I---I  LOVE YOU P'ARTHIT." Kongpobe screamed the last part closing his eyes.

He was expecting a angry or dissapointed Arthit but there was a smiling Arthit standing in front of him who was slightly blushing.


"You stupid Kong I love you too. You don't know but I fell for you when I saw your soul unconscious in the temple."

"Really?!!" Kongpobe's face lit up hearing this.


"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know you would like a guy. And I thought you also want to be reincarnated. If you do so I will be alone so there is no point of telling."

"I do want to be reincarnated."

"Then why did you confessed if you are leaving." Arthit asked frowning.

"P' you don't know how much I wanna kiss you and hold you in my arms since I realized my feelings. But I wanna stay with you so I will wait 100 years if it takes us to be together." Arthit was touched hearing Kongpobe's words.

"If that is the case you don't have wait to be reincarnated in the same timeline." Arthit said fiddling with his fingers.

"What do you mean by I don't have wait?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then will you trust me with your soul?"

"Huh?" Kongpobe was unable to understand what Arthit was talking about.

"I want to give you a part of my soul will you do the same?" Arthit asked.

"I will. But how?"

"Just repeat after me."

"OK." Kongpobe nodded.

Arthit chanted something and Kongpobe repeated after him. Soon they both started to glow. A ball of light came out of their body and entered the other's body.

"There its done." Arthit smiled touching his chest.

"What will happen now?" Kongpobe asked confused.

"Kong a soul is reincarnated as a whole. As a part of your soul is with me and mine is with you. So to reincarnate your soul my soul will have to be reincarnated as well."

Kongpobe formed a 'O' his mouth while nodding. Arthit chuckled at the younger's innocent act.








Today is the day when the messenger angel came and Kongpobe told he wished to be reincarnated. The messenger angel told them that the process will start with the sunset.

So Arthit and Kongpobe is waiting for the sunset sitting on the temple's rooftop. They were sitting closely shoulders brushing with each other.

"Kong..." Arthit called and turned to Kongpobe.

"Yes P' " Kongpobe also turned to Arthit.

"We are leaving before meeting again."


"I wanna give you something before we leave."


They were staring at each other. They slowly came near and their lips brushing each other. And their lips touched the sun went down and they disappeared.















25 years later.

There was soft music playing in the background. Everyone is smiling and looking at the couple standing in front of the wedding minister.

Ladies and gentlemen today we have gathered here to witness the union of this two souls.

If  anyone has any objections state it now or hold your silence forever.

Marriage is a beautiful bond shared between two souls. And we are here here to witness forming of the bond between this two souls who found each other in this life..........

Singto Parchaya and Kirst Perawat I announce you husband and husband.

What they don't know....

       They met in the after life....