Chapter 2 thinking

(Hey it's me the author giving you an update that I will now say a characters name before a sentence because it's so much work to put it at the end and stuff I prefer this anyways enjoy pls)

Milly after seeing her partners brutally murdered by this strange dragon had ran back to the capital in search of safety and after arriving back in the main adventurers guild she collapsed due to a lack of energy from running all the way to the capital

Guild receptionist: "excuse me ma'am are you alright?"

Milly had no response as she was passed out

Random guild member: "alright I'll take care of her"

The guild member had picked up Milly but he was secretly one of the kings servants in disguise and was bringing her to the king.

Now that the baby dragon had left the forest he would wonder what to do next but then he thought "maybe I should go find a place to live!" The dragon then scurried across the land as his wings were too small he couldn't fly so he had to run instead. The dragon came across a mountain nearby called mount drahonyl by the humans he thought it was perfect for him but little did he know that many strong beasts lived on that mountain. of course he couldn't rely on his ability since its all he had and would drain his energy quickly he needed another way to defend himself so even at the age of 2 days he is smart enough to know his limits which is nice. So this dragon made his way up the mountain avoiding many dangerous beasts from shock leopards to the powerful Kirin living on the mountain.

Dragons mind: I finally have a place to rest but I still need food that will be dangerous well atleast I can get some sleep.

The baby dragon chose the perfect time to sleep as the sun had just set and many creatures of darkness will lurk during the night which was best for this dragon if he wanted to survive.

Back to the kingdom Milly found herself finally awake in a chair outside a pair of large doors.

Milly: "w-where am I?"

Spade: "you are in the kings quarters of the castle miss lily"

Milly turned to see Spade to her side.

Spade: "if you would miss Milly the king would like to see you"

Milly: "u-um ok?"

Spade opened the large pair of doors revealing a huge Rome walls lined with decorations made of gold and at the end the king on a throne made of essence gold a very rare metal worth more than your life. The throne was cushioned by purple pillows and the king sat atop it he wore a nice astral purple cloak with his shirt being a crimson read looking very fancy too his eyes were filled with glee and anxiety as he saw Milly wall into the room.

King: "ah yes if it isn't miss Milly magic user in training and one of the three I sent on the quest to find what drained the forest of its magic and kill it but first do you remember my name?"

Milly: "I-I believe you're name was Aloutar (Al-ooo-tar)"

King Aloutar: "that is correct my friend now care to tell me we're your other 3 party members are? "

Milly: "t-they were killed by a baby dragon that we encountered in the forest..."

King Aloutar: "A baby? I thought they were only medium class beings far weaker than you."

Milly: "I-It was but then it-it ..."

Milly broke down in tears

Milly: "it killed them brutally"

King Aloutar: "it's ok my dear Milly it can't harm you in here but how did it kill them?"

Milly: "after attacking it it suddenly bursted in magic that of a normal dragon class and fired this strange black beam at serenity and it destroyed her heart and it ripped off Joake's arm and he died of blood loss"

King Aloutar: "hmm I'm sorry young one but I have another question."

Milly currently in tears: "w-what

King Aloutar: "what did it look like?"

We cut to the dragon sleeping as a loud roar is heard outside..