
This is the 23rd century it is an important period in humanity's history where mankind just recently finished its 4th industrial revolution also known as the AI revolution and began it's transition into the next era.

Not many people may not know it but there are 4 industrial revolutions in human history, the first industrial Revolution The Age of Mechanical Production when the steam engine was invented, the second is The Age of Science and Mass Production with the advent of factory style mass produced spearheaded by Henry Ford, the Third is the The Digital Revolution at the advent of semiconductors and advance electronics. The fourth is the AI Revolution where AI replaces all menial work farming, mining, constructions and more.

While AI seemingly can replace humans in all fields in its entirety but there is one thing that humans have and machines can never have...

And that is Creativity. You see while machines can be programmed to do curtain things in curtain scenarios but what if something happens that the programmers didn't anticipated for?

That's the weakness of the machine. Humans in the post 4th industrial revolution primarily serves as administrators, overseers and scientists.

Saying that there's still billions of humans with nothing to do.

In the 24th century with the advent of robotic work force and gene manipulation food is a right and is given to the people for free.

People can choose to not work if they choose to do so, not mentioning all the jobs available at this new era is only suited for a narrows group of people.

Saying that the government naturally found a way to make use of these free individuals.

How? You may ask, what could these people possibly offer? You may wonder.

And the answer is Imagination.

Let me explain, humanity is currently at the delicate period of when it's about to be truly become a spacefaring civilisation.

Massive space elevators are currently being constructed would be fully functional in the next decade or two.

Currently as embarrassing as it is to say no nations on earth has any first contact procedures nor has any idea how to react if various situation occurs in space.

In light of this the government launched a massive sandbox Sci-Fi VRMMO taking place in space.

It's like EVE Online, Elite Dangerous and various other sciences fiction universe combined into one massive realistic game.

The idea is to record the data various sociological interactions, situational reactions, human reactions when placed curtain situations and the various ways people solve curtain situations.

The data recorded in this game would dictate how humanity handles curtain situations in the future and how human society should be shaped in the new era.

Another key feature in this game is that everyone is human in this game, while there are various alien races that could be encountered and players are given near unlimited freedom to augment themselves however they want (which is based on a hint of realism) be it mechanical, cybernetics, mutations or whatever forms they can think off but everyone starts as normal human.

Anyway that's the background of the story

The real story is when a player who was driving around in his Titan class ship one of the largest class ship in game along with his ship gets transmigrated into another sci-fi universe.