Pt. Four

The first thing I heard was the heart monitor, beating along to the sound of my drum. I could tell with my eyes closed tightly the room I was in was very brightly lit. And by the soft sheets and comfortable mattress, I had to guess that I was in an actual bed this time.

I started to wiggle my body and was shocked to find that I felt better then I had before falling into the hot springs. Thee ache that had existed in my head through every conscious phase I'd had. I began to stretch out my body, causing the sheet that covered me to pull down and expose my breast, the cool air of the room made my nipples harden slightly.

Wait for just a second, why am I nacked? My eyes snapped open and I survey the room. We now seemed to be in the medical ward of this weird spaceship thing that I fumbled my way onto. The room had many weird gadgets and smelled similar to a hospital room back home, like sterilization.

I suddenly notice the silver-skinned man and a grey-skinned man with white hair and a lab coat were in the room with me, and I was laying on the bed, naked, breasts exposed, for these men to see them.

I squealed in embarrassment and furiously grabbed the sheet pulling it around my body as I sat up and glanced at the doctor to find that he had been looking at his papers. The silver man, however, had a strange expression on his face, and his eyes were glued to my chest.

A squeak once again passes my lips as the man's eyes suddenly snapped to min and a low growl began to rumble in his chest.

The doctor cleared his throat, breaking the spell we had just been under. He began to speak, gesturing towards a gun-like object, then bringing my attention to the spot behind his ear, before holding out his hand, as if he wanted me to take it.

He seemed to want to use that gun to inject something behind my ear. I hope whatever it is wont hurt, then again, if they had wanted to hurt me they had plenty of opportunities when I was unconscious, yet they healed me instead. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and pushed my hair back to expose the skin behind my ear with on hand and took the doctor's hand with the other.

When the gun was placed against my head it was cool to the touch, the was a click and it was quickly removed from my flesh. My eyes met briefly with the doctor and he smiled a closed-mouth smile. He began to speak the same phrase in their language, over and over again, eventually, I realized that I could understand his worlds and let out a loud gasp.

"My name is Sall'he and I am the doctor aboard this starship. What is your name and species? "His words were in English, now we'd finally be able to communicate!

"My name is Emilie, and I am a human being. Where am I?" The doctor immediately urged me to repeat the phrase and I did a few times before the silver man let out a loud, deep laugh.

"A Human, and just how did you manage to board my ship, the great Lunar'mar? My name is Rek'sai and I am the prince of the grand planet of Authora." He closed the distance between us and bent to meet my gaze.

"My planet is called Earth, I entered a cave on my planet, and lost consciousness in a glowing hot spring, when I woke it was in front of you." His gaze was intense as it looked through my eyes and tried to take a measure of my soul, eventually, I looked away submissively, and he smirked.

"You used and Authorian Gate, that existed on your planet? That means our tribe has visited there before, and enough to need instant transport there. Doctor, have the navigators research this gate." His deep voice filled with authority.

"Of course sir, right away." The doctor stood and moved to exit the room, stopping to stand by the doorway. "By the way you highness, Initial scans indicate that her species is biologically compatible with ours, more tests would be needed but there may be viable offspring. You know what that means for our kind, and for her." After uttering those words he left the room and the silver man appeared frozen.

He laughed heartily and smiled grandly, white pointed teeth glistening, as he gazed at me. "This is fantastic news for my people, our males my yet have the pleasure of one's bond mate, from across the stars!"

I glanced at him with my head slightly tilted to the side in confusion, biologically compatible? Viable offspring? Bond mates?

"Excuse me, but are you saying that I transported onto a ship full of alien men who are now going to try and mate... with me?" I softly asked.

My eyes widened in fear I turned from Rek'sai to the door that the professor exited the room with. "My clothes, where are my clothes. I need them, I have to leave!" I blurted as I jumped from the table and searched the room for my clothes, coming up empty-handed. The silver man opened a cabinet and pulled my clothes from it before handing them to me. I took them from him and dashed behind a partition.

"What doos does that do, I've already seen your body." Rek'sai laughed at my embarrassment.

Luckily he couldn't see my body turn bright red." Why did you need to see, the doctor could have done it alone, he's a medical professional?" Suddenly, I hear a growl rip from his chest.

"I would not allow another man to be alone with an unmated female, not you." His words shocked me, their culture's views on females are odd, they seem to cherish and protect them to a high degree.

I walked back around the screen to see Rek'sai hunched down, fists clenched, teeth bared and staring at me. I let out a gasp and took a step back, he noticed and grunted before straightening himself out.

"I'll take you up to my quarters, we will get you something to ingest, and well speak. Learn some differences and similarities between our tribes and planets., I'm sure there are many, I've already noticed slight differences in your sexual organs. " He grinned down at me then walked closer to me then I would have liked, I couched and moved towards the doorway. My stomach growling at the idea of food.

"Anyway, I'm starving, let's go find that room of yours, shall we?"