Chapter 12 - Good Luck

Before the door that appeared to be a bank vault was a hallway filled with traps. Moving islands surrounded by bottomless pits, roaming guards in red that moved with stiff precision and an odd stone pillar guarded the golden door. Ducking around the corner, Kenji became Arthur, activated the blessing of [sight] and peered back around.

Kenji soon discovered pressure plates, holes in the walls for arrows and that the guards were most likely artificial due to their strict movement paths. Quickly, Kenji thought up a few routes to the golden door beyond, but there were two problems.

Firstly, those guards looked strong. Too strong. Then there were the traps. Arthur didn't have any special level of agility and might clumsily activate one. Lastly, there was the door itself. It had a keyhole, yet Kenji was pretty sure none of his little keys would do the trick.

Hurrying away, Kenji turned back to old-man form with a spring in his step.

Whatever lay behind that golden door, it must be enormously valuable. He could taste it in the air. Feel it in his heart. His 'Treasure' detecter going crazy, the same feeling he sometimes had when opening loot-boxes in his favourite games. Now that he knew of the treasure room's existence, he couldn't allow it to remain unlooted and still call himself a man.

Fearless, Kenji charged back through the tunnels. Finding the prayer chamber, Kenji poked his head into the weirdo's room. When the coast was clear he snatched a cloak and mask from the nearest hook. Patting the cloth into place, Kenji strode inside. He was a little self-conscious about how his robe dragged behind him, but as short as he was, there was no helping that.

"Brothers, has anyone seen my keychain?" One of the weirdos said, Kenji thanking him for the distraction as he hobbled on by. Without his cane, added to the fact that he was quite short, he would have made for an easily recognisable sight if they had paid him any attention.

"Hey you-" the same weirdo said, grasping Kenji's shoulder with what he now realised was an extremely strong arm. The grip tightening to become stronger than iron shackles as he said, "-brother, have you seen my keychain?"

Kenji froze, that very keychain in his pocket.

"I have not the time to waste on your failures to our Lord!" Kenji cried, throwing his hands in the air. Turning he stared up at the man, thankful his own face was covered with the mask. "How dare you pass off the responsibilities you were given to any other, we are servants to the Master foremost, not sheep to bleat and whine! Now go find your keys, and perhaps ensure the key to the area beyond is safe too while you're at it!"

The priest backed away, head turning to a lavish shrine and back to Kenji. "Of course Brother, my apologies. You are, of course, correct. May Master show me mercy."

"Well, we all make mistakes. Just don't do so again, I'll even do that last part for you. But just this once!" Kenji turned and stomped to the shrine.

"Thank you Brother- uh, I would also appreciate you not reporting my clumsiness," the muscular weirdo followed Kenji. Kenji waved at him to go away, heart pounding as he heard the weirdo's steps come to a halt behind him. Picturing him gripping Kenji in a bearhug, he hadn't the faintest clue of what he would do if that happened.

Not wanting to appear out of place, Kenji started looking around the shrine immediately.

"As you can see, the key is still here," the weirdo said, popping open a secret panel that held a large golden gey set with a ruby. "Safe and sound."

"Good good, then go find your own, Brother. I wish to pray awhile." Kenji said, wanting this annoying NPC to just get lost already. Thankfully it did, and Kenji could slip the key up his sleeve while he pretended to close the compartment and pray.

From there Kenji strolled down the hall, snapping at anyone who looked like they might ask him for anything. Like catholic schoolboys caught being tardy, they would run along, clean, or simper their apologies to whatever random thing Kenji decided to criticise. In this fashion, he returned to the elf's cell, opened it up and stepped within.

She really was simply gorgeous. The perfect amount of curve. Smooth skin. Lush green hair, and piercing blue eyes staring eternally. Kenji wasted no time in reclaiming her.

It was rather...strange just taking a body like that. Kenji was far from used to such necrophilic procedures. Yet no matter how guilty he felt, Kenji berated his way back to the golden door, memorised once more the traps with Arthur's blessing of [sight] and- Kenji had an idea.

Taking out the elf's head, he blessed that with the [sight] instead. Then he reclaimed it, morphed into her and found the blessing remained along with the elf's own superior perception. Together, Kenji found new traps he had not noticed, saw blades and magic runes the elf was well aware of in her memories. An interesting woman, the cursory survey of her past revealed an extremely long journey that had ended in a heartbreaking betrayal.

Yet with the golden door looming in front, and a Treasure room beyond to plunder...Kenji would keep that tale for another time. He spent a good amount of time forming various paths through the traps. Again and again, he found dead ends, but eventually, he realised he couldn't waste any more time.

He'd just have to take his best shot.

Crouching down, ready to sprint. Kenji prepared to run the gauntlet.