Chapter 22 - Level Three

"Long time no see, Noir."

"Indeed Kenji, you look well."

Kenji grinned, his chest flooded with warmth.

"I've started wearing a new face since last time- ow," Something in his head twinged. Kenji told Arthur to calm down, shook his head, and returned his focus back to Noir's mirthful expression.

"You know it's really weird seeing Violet look this happy," Kenji said, and Noir just pulled her smile wider.

"You've done amazingly with both her and the werewolf. Who would have thought that a Parasite that curses the Elven race and a Pureblooded Wearwolf could not only be dissuaded from consuming you in your sleep, but also to actually sacrifice equipment, wealth and power for others?"

Kenji gulped.

"Parasite? Pure werewolf? Do I have to worry about full moons or-"

"Keep up what you're currently doing, and it should be fine. You wouldn't have gotten this much XP for doing nothing, after all, and you've really provided some lasting positive change for these girls Kenji. You should be proud."

"B-but I haven't even done that much! Just saved them from the inquisitors, talked with them, and went on the worst adventure in the world- how could that have changed them so much?"

"Well, your class is unique. I just pulled it from my cognition, and it's not impossible that you have some kind of aura even I can't perceive that makes others want to do good. But if I were to bet, it would be that they like this new face of yours. It's very symmetrical, although not as interesting as your base form."

"Oh Noir, you really know how to get a mimic to blush. But, as lovely as it is to see those lovely eyes again, mind letting me see what my lvl up options are?" Kenji played with his hands, sweat beading across his back as an increasingly nervous grin widened on his face.

"Oh, of course, you must be exhausted. Right away, Kenji," With a flick of her wrist the two options were presented.

On the left was the [Full Forbidden Mimic] option that evolved Kenji further along the specific species chain of this rare, outer space, mimic sub-species that Kenji had chosen. Other than more internal storage space, Kenji would get one [Forbidden adaption] slot. This slot could fit one imprint of any creature without taking up his internal space, without needing to bring the body and while still providing it's full powers and equipment upon transformation.

However, since only a mere imprint, the destruction of the body in combat would convert the imprint back to its basic energy after a period of appearing a corpse. Once destroyed the imprint would take an entire day before it was reformed and able to be worn again. That and Kenji would only have access to half the creature's stats, so a definite downgrade from using the actual corpse.

The evolution would change Kenji's base form too, if only visually. Kenji's base form would become even more ancient-looking, with fancier locks and chains to boot.

The second option was to become a regular mimic. Kenji would lose some internal space but could morph his body at will and replicate any item around him from a range of sizes. He could contort into a chest, a door, a carpet and a skeleton quickly to name but a few examples. The amount of hijinks Kenji could get up to were extraordinary, Kenji already well aware that if he wanted too he could become a towel in the women's bathing area.

Yet the first option was easily the rarest, and while he hadn't a good corpse to use, the added benefits of the slot were indeed very attractive. As it were now, if he was to lose Arthur's corpse to a devastating attack, it would be unlikely to be fixed up inside him. More than likely it would forever be reduced to a mutilated corpse, and Kenji would be left attempting to convince his companions that his base form was actually the same person.

For the first time in a while, Kenji stared at his hands. Youthful, strong and certainly not his own. But who was he now exactly? Kenji had been a sixteen year old on earth, was he really anyone anymore? And while switching bodies like others would clothes could advance him further, would he ever find skin he felt comfortable within?

That he could feel like himself within?

He tapped the first option and gripped his chest.

"You'll unravel, better to go outside I think Kenji," Noir said, leaning back against her seat.

"I'll keep Arthur though, right? I don't have to worry about losing him?

"You'll be fine. Just go before you cause a scene already. Oh, and goodbye, I have other matters to attend to."

"Cya Noir," Kenji whispered, his endless questions remaining unspoken as he slipped free of the guild keep to find a secluded area in a back alley. There, he contorted wildly, and in moments returned to his base form. The chains were now a brighter bronze, his locks scrawled with silver and his hunchback converted to some extra height.

He had a permanent mouth now beneath his ratty beard, which itself now seemed peppered with grey like a real old man. His limbs felt ancient as moons, his eyes as smooth as glaciers as he surveyed his surroundings. Snatching out his cane, Kenji started to hobble yet found it no longer necessary.

Still, Kenji liked to hobble. So hobble he did, right back into the Guild Keep were he found a warm fire and stool. Grunting into his fist, the closest adventurers gave him odd looks, and Kenji began.

"A simple story, an ancient tale from worlds far away. Come sit by this fire with me, and hear the tale of Parry Hotter and the Thinkers Rock."

It didn't take long before Kenji's nearly copyright-infringing tale of Parry Hotter got a sizable audience. Tenko was first amongst them, listening eagerly to his tale of the Mages Night School called Pigboils and the many adventures of Parry Hotter and his friends.

Pleased to be making her so happy, as evident by the swift swish of her tail, Kenji talked for hours. Eventually, everyone else was too tired, and Kenji started to lose some of the huge crowd that had gathered. Even Almanac watched from the second balcony, eyeing Kenji with curious eyes.

"That'll be all for today, good adventurers. If you could offer some coin for my tale, I'll be off, but will come back to resume another day."

Copper coins flooded in, Kenji earning a whole silver's worth of wealth. Smiling to himself while he was being patted on the back, and urged for additional information, Kenji realised this might be a way to earn the necessary three silvers they needed.

"But-but-but!" Tenko yelled, bounding after him, "Why did Parry Hotter's spoon-shaped scar start hurting? What happens next!" Scrounging up a single copper coin, Tenko added it to Kenji's pocket.

"Thank you, my dear - but you'll have to wait until next time. I promise, an eve soon, I will return and answer all the questions you could ever think of." Kenji smiled as warmly as a shopping centre Santa Claus.

"Where do babies come from?" Tenko asked.

"Not that one; I must go now. Goodbye!" Kenji turned and fled into the night, only to return as Arthur and get into bed.

"You should have seen him Kenji! The storyteller was AMAAAZING!" Kenji's pillow told him. Nodding along, Kenji muttered plenty of 'reaaly?' and 'woooow' and 'next time for sure' as Tenko fell fast asleep, Violet beside him, and Kenji soon after that.