Chapter 28 - The Warden Company

Thirty-nine of the finest killers, thieves, charlatans, monsters and forbidden magic users stood before Jack. One was an outright troll - Trag the Stamper - his wounds having healed throughout the fighting as soon as they had been inflicted.

Another was a dark wizard named Dana who had had an epiphany while in prison. While she could still summon skeletons to crawl out of some dark space due to her evil dealings, she now also held some powers of a crusader after swearing the remainder of her soul to the Bountyheart. The change should have annihilated her necromantic powers, but for whatever reason the god allowed them to remain, and his own [blessing - fire] to work on the skeletons to create holy burning skeletons.

The finest warrior was an assassin known as Ozzy the Thirdborne. Jack had had a troubling time disliking the raven-haired man, handsome enough the female crusaders had blushed, and the female inmates had held back even as Ozzy slit their throats. With lithe muscle, a hauntingly beautiful smile and soulless eyes, Ozzy had butchered his opponents one at a time with a graceful combat skill that could have been considered touched by the gods.

"Jack, I know you are thinking, but shouldn't we take her too?" Phillip spoke as warmly as his cold eyes would allow, and Jack was forced to grit his teeth and nod.

"You may arise," Jack grunted, peering over the balcony into the octagon that was now a field of dead. The Flower Knight stood so beautifully within, not a fleck of blood on her pale skin except to wet her lips and turn them an alluring crimson. Shifting her stance, Jack's heart raced, as the Flower Knight strode confidentially through the dead - each with a flower bursting out their mouth.

Some she had taken for the garden of her mane, yet so many more had been left to torment the jailors and crusaders alike. She was beautiful - there was no arguing about that - but she was also devastatingly powerful.

Too powerful. Such that Jack was sure she could pose a threat to him if she turned traitor.

Building up strength in her milk-white legs, she ran with the soft slap of feet on stone with the odd splash of blood mixed within. Approaching the wall she ran right up, leapt, and landed atop the railing. As she grinned down at him, her prisoners shift fluttered, and Jack got an eyeful of the naked body that lay hidden behind.

"Get her some clothes," Jack hissed, stepping back, staring up into those grass green eyes welling with great amusement. "Well? Get down recruit, as a monster you'll be reporting to Trog the Stamper -"

"-why? If I can beat him, does that mean I get his position?"

Jack's eyes narrowed.

"No. Appointments come from my decisions only, and that can only be swayed by performance in this crusade. Catch come enemies of humanity, and then we can talk about replacements."

Trog the Bruiser bellowed thick laugher.

"Little flower girlie think she can even fit my toe in that tiny mouth? You are so tiny, flower girl! My feet would stamp you into dust!"

"Trog the Stamper, do you happen to have a foot fetish?" The Flower Knight giggled, pulling back her prisoners shift to better show wiggling white toes. Against all odds, Trog the Bruiser somehow blushed through course grey skin.

"Tempar, what we do?" Trog the Bruiser grumbled, the Flower Knight just giggling further as she continued to wiggle her toes.

"Firstly, welcome to Warden Company. Phillip the Apostate here is our representative of the church, and he is the highest-ranking member of the Kingdom present. However, you are all under my direct authority, and while Phillip can override my decision at any time, you report to me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Captain!" Roared the lines of crusaders and priest. A tad slower came the out of tune mumble of Jack's latest recruits.

"Aye aye boss man!" The Flower Knight said in her best Trog impression. Trog grit his foul teeth and stared.

"What's our first move then?" Said Ozzy, sleek as oil, eyes sizing up everyone around him as if he expected to fight his comrades as much as the enemy. Knowing where they came from, Jack thought that a good idea.

"Trog, Dana and Flower Knight step forward."

Each did so and summoning his golden chains Jack wrapped them around each in turn and pulled free a copy of their abilities. From Trog he received a few uses of his Trollish regeneration, from Dana some of her more potent dark spells and from the Flower Knight...

He stared at her, seeing past her beauty to what lay within. This power, to make flowers that comprised someone's essence, what was the point of it?

"Is everyone properly equipped?" Jack looked up to a ream of nodding heads, having seized what they wanted from prisons collection of confiscated equipment. Now not only where they recently prisoners, but they couldn't have looked shadier with their black leather, skull-topped helmets, spiked shields and all manner of murderers trophies.

"Good, because I can only do this once."

Once they were all blindfolded, Jack included, Phillip led them all away. Down to the cathedral he knew, past the cells filled with monsters that he still had a few copied abilities of left to use. Through the Golden door, down the hatch, and once all assembled, to the very site of Jack's downfall.

"Our mission, is to bring one of those accused of the Cathedrals destruction to justice. Catch this man, and we will receive rewards beyond your dreams. He has flame-coloured hair, golden eyes, and sports the sigil of House Tumberlay on his armour."

Turning away from Warden Company, Jack produced his golden chains and released one of his most prized copied spells. A bubbling disc of angry demonic energy formed, and quickly snapped into place with the portal that had previously been formed on this exact spot.

This was like spitting on the church, but having been released as a Templar it was less of a disgrace to use demons magic. Once the portal was formed, it went to wherever the other had gone. Staring into the whirling vortex, Jack wondered if they would have to fight immediately, whether they would appear under an ocean or atop a baking desert.

Had the demon thought this far? Would she have made two portals, one to a harmful location and a second to her true target?

"Go. Seize the landing sight on the other side, and make it prepared for my arrival."

As his Warden Company rushed on past and into the demonic vortex, Jack brooded. It didn't suit him lying to his inferiors. For the One had made it very clear that while the fire-haired youth was a target, he was not THE target.

No, the real target was the demonic girl who could make these portals. With that power, copied by the Templars who could use [Blessing - Copy] they would have a superweapon that would see all other nations fall.

With a heavy heart, Jack went through the portal.