Chapter 30 - Wizard's Quest

"Take a seat, this won't take long," Almanac said, Kenji quickly taking a seat on his side of the desk, as did Tenko and Violet. All were enraptured - counter cat girl included - as Almanac pulled out a great white goose feather quill with a golden tip crafted to look like a goose's head.

"Kenji Aztec, would you like to go first?"

Unsure as what do to, Kenji nodded.

"Then please extend your hand - I'll need just a pinprick of blood."

Kenji thrust his shaking hand forward. Violet placed hers on his shoulder and Tenko patted him on the arm. Having them there brought Kenji focus, the shaking stopped, and his anxiety eased.

Pecking his hand with the Golden Goose Quill, the beak was dashed with a speck of red. Hastily Almanac then held the Quil over a piece of parchment, then let go. The Quil remained unsupported in the air and began to scribble of its own accord.

Peering over his shoulder, the counter girl was writing in a ledger as the Quill wrote and Kenji thought up several tricks that might work to destroy that recorded evidence. But either way, the counter girl could just remember it and - oh no, Kenji started to shake again as Almanac looked up at Kenji with large eyes as the Quil started scribbling chaotically around the page's bottom.

"I-I'm sorry, this hasn't happened before, the Golden Goose Quill is usually very good at spelling and-"

Kenji snatched the piece of paper and found it to be riddled with spelling errors.

Neme: Arthur fo Tumberlay

Title: The Flame-haired

Clas: Krusader

Rce: Human?

Strenth: 6

Agilwily: 5

Cunning: @%&$

Magic: Constitution

X-factor: Forbidden

After the misspelled words, the Quill had devolved into random scribbling and a few doodles. One of which looked like a tree, another a pair of pointy ears and the last a lock and chain.

"Thing must be getting old. You will - of course- be refunded in full. Eh, do your companions still wish to have their stat cards made? I'm quite sure this anomaly is unlikely to be repeated. You do not happen to have a gods blessing that makes it difficult for your information to be revealed by others do you?"

"Well, the Everseeing did say something about 'Your information shall become immutable' but I don't know what that means," Kenji fists curled, his blood pumped and he felt a hot rage course through his veins. A rage directed at himself, Arthur apparently not taking the idea of lying about the Everseeing's words without wanting to hit Kenji.

Violet's blood came out a bright scarlet, the Quil sent into another fervour of scribbling.

"Mind if I see it too?' Kenji asked, Violet allowing him only reluctantly.

Name: Catelyn Sunder

Title: High Priestess and heavenly goddess of the Sun Elves

Class: Crystal Summoner

Race: Sun Elf?

Strength: 3

Agility: 5

Magic: 9

"Catelyn Sunder, Crystal Summoner," Kenji grinned. "That sounds nice, do you preferred to be called Catelyn then?"

"No. I like Violet, Catelyn...was not a name for me." Violet blushed a little as she tucked her stat card away, Almanac again filled with apologies.

"I don't understand why there's a question mark at all. Maybe this old artifact is finally seeing the end of its days," He sighed. "Little wolf-girl, you're next and I'm sure you'll get your stats just fine."

Tenko hid behind Kenji, looking at the Golden Goose Quil with some concern.

"Hey, it's ok. I barely felt it, besides your so strong! No way a little prick like that could make you afraid, right Tenko?" Kenji said, rubbing her flattened wolf ears until they perked up a little and her tail swished bravely.

"Yes. Tenko is strong!" Tenko announced. Slowly she pushed her little hand across the table, eyes firmly closed and shaking. Kenji held her other hand, his own being crushed in her surprisingly strong grip.

Almanac leant over, and with a small prick, it was done.

"See Tenko? You did so well, good job," Kenji laughed as she threw herself at his side. Scooping the little wolf girl up he gave her a big hug. The counter girl giggled to herself as she watched the two, "You three are like a real family," she mused.

"Tenko is STRONG!" Tenko announced right into Kenji's ear.

Again Almanac looked at the scorecard confused, before passing it back along.

Name: Tenko Tenzen

Title: Matriarch of the Tenzen Clan

Class: High Moon Priest

Race: Werewolf

Strength: 4-10

Agility: 6-11

Magic: 7

"Well, this makes a little more sense. Werewolves have two values, one for their base form and another for their monstrous one. Although I admit I've never heard of this class before, but this title...are you really the leader of the Tenzen werewolves little one?" Almanac said, fretful eyes focusing for a moment.

"Yes. Are you a friend or an enemy?" Tenko said, her ears jerking upward and lips parting to reveal sharp teeth.

"A friend. But I do happen to know of a small Adventurer Guild that has requested support from me to deal with them. If you and your friends here could instead deal with the matter peacefully, well, that would be a reward measured in gold. Think about it, I do want to prefer unnecessary bloodshed whenever possible. The amount of devastation that has come from this Kingdom's's, unimaginable," Fingers clasped, and the fear returned to his eyes Almanac turned to look at the counter cat-girl.

She shook her cat ears slowly, "they haven't reported back yet Guildmaster."

Turning back to Kenji's team, Almanac sighed.

"I have a favour to ask, an emergency quest as it were. A...strange force has entered Tariak. As far as I can tell they are an Inquisitorial band that operates outside of the Kingdom's laws, spreading throughout our town and roughing people up like they own the place. Asking questions about someone with flame-coloured hair, golden eyes and the Sigil of Tumberlay on their armour. Do you understand...?"

Kenji's blood ran cold, how could they have tracked him down so quickly?

"I see that you do. I won't ask how you know these people, but I won't confirm it either. What I do know is that you might be wrongfully executed by these thugs in priest clothing. So I want you to take a message to the Headless Hunter Guild, collect the reward from them, and then leave Tariak. Head to the Tenzen, solve that matter with the werewolves while this situation with the Inquisitors blows over. I can't do anymore than this, so please be careful."

Turnign left and right, Kenji found his companions in agreement.

"We agree. Give us the message, we'll go immediately," Kenji said.