In his old man base form Kenji ran desperately through the forest. Just as he thought all hope of finding his companions was lost, he heard a howl that pierced through the rustling leaves.
Following that howl, Kenji descended into a gully to find a bright silver moon hanging high above. Below Violet and Tenko stood prepared for battle, a teenage girl and a small boy hiding behind them with their backs to a cliff.
From every angle stalked wicked looking black furred goatmen, their spears ending in hellflame and their eyes were filled with crimson red light. They snickered and hooted at one another, as they closed in on their cornered pray.
Before Kenji could do anything more, arrows flew through the trees to score headshots on several of the goatmen. Panicking, they grunted gutteral orders and fled, another pair falling dead before they could get away.
Rushing forward, Kenji got to his companions side before the new forces could reveal themselves.
"Did it work?" Violet whispered.
"I think so. They have a body now, so there's no need to chase me, and I've dealt with their scouts that hunted for us too. Although, I've lost Ash," Kenji noticed Violets ears twitch and her eyes grow round before the forest came to life.
While goatmen, these were clearly of a different breed. Their fur was brown, bodies smaller and with coloured moss artfully arrayed amongst their fur. In their hands they clutched little bows, with bundles of arrows poking out from behind their shoulders.
"Do not be alarmed," came a soothing tone, a small boy made of plants appearing from the trees. With a face of leaves and body of wood, the forest child smiled pleasantly.
"Who are you shrub kid?" Tenko roared, her great wolf tail swishing and her fangs bared. Placing a hand on her furred side, Kenji tried to soothe the giant wolf.
"Everyone be calm, I don't think they are an enemy," Kenji said. Otherwise, why else would they have driven off those larger goatmen for them.
"Indeed, we servants of the Far King are kind creatures. But while excellent with the bow, these Fauns cannot compete with the satyrs to a physical level. And with the fires...well, I hear the Satyrs are gathering an army of monster refugees. Starving and desperate, they are easily tamed into serving their twisted desires."
"We are currently passing through, while I thank you servants of the Far King, we cannot help you with this war. We are hounded by inquitors as it is. If their scouts discover us...we would only be bringing more conflict to this land."
The Forest child's features froze, then his eyes turned to Kenji.
"You are in position of a wounded spirit and two vulnerable children. We could tend to their needs, see the spirit restored and even thank you with powerful items. All we need is for you to destroy the pryomancer causing the fires, before his wall of flame reaches even my King's domain"
Violet pulled at Kenji's sleeve.
"The forest was filled with danger when we were running, me and Tenko had trouble scaring off the monsters. If they could escort us through, that would make this worth the risk."
"That is something we can do," the Forrest child said as if he had heard Violet's whispering just fine. "We can show you a secret fairy road that'll take you through to the safety beyond the mountain. Any other path would lead you into the realm of the Living Mountain, where ever cliff, rock and path will attempt to kill you."
"'The Living Mountain'? How does that work, is the whole thing one big old elemental or somthing?" Kenji said a tad sceptical.
"Exactly, the spirits of the mountains themselves are fierce when it comes to driving away outsiders. Attempting to cross yourselves is a suicidal notion, therefore this offer is perfectly suited to your situation."
Too perfect, Kenji thought. But not seeing any other way, nodded slowly.
"We'll just be taking the children and spirit then-"
"The spirit stays. You can just heal it when we come back for the children," speaking of those two Kenji got his first good look at the pair.
The first was a stunningly beautiful girl with the most bland grey clothing Kenji had ever seen. Part succubus she couldn't help her passive ability to attract others by being so physically perfect in all the right places, and so tried to downplay that attraction by wearing baggy grey clothes that covered everything bar her cold facial features. Cold features that the local Lord had nonetheless fallen in love with, having attempted to kidnap her several times over the last few years.
The second was a bright young boy made of stone. He had golden eyes and gold spun into hair, while moving so animatedly Kenji wouldn't have been surprised to grasp his stone arm and feel the same texture as skin. The elemental was the last of his kind, and apparently hunted across the land for his solid gold eyes, hair, and heart.
Rubbing his eyes wearily, Kenji nodded.
"Where will we meet you then, once we've dealt with this pyomancer?"
"You'll be escorted back by your guides of course. The same that will take you to the pryomancer's location. Otherwise you would have to fight your way past hordes of starving monsters that are being pushed out from the wild fires."
"And this pyromancer himself? What can you tell us about him?" Violet said, Kenji stepping back and letting her take the lead.
"He spreads fires at random, and with no intention. That, and he can bend the fires around him to his will, making him exceptionally dangerous near the inferno he has caused. I advise you use that wounded spirit to summon rain or somthing, although in that state the spirit might be able to collect only enough power to do so for a short time. My King will also provide aid to support you."
"We're going to be left alone?" said the part succubus with a monotone voice.
"Will safe?" the golden eyed boy said while hiding behind Tenko.
"If Tenko can eat him, all will be fine!" Tenko added, then quickly returned to baring her fangs. "Not that I trust green boy. You better not hurt Sunbean and Gray, ok?"
Raising his little leaf hands, the forest child said, "I'd not dream of doing anything at all to them that they would agree to. You can rest assured that the hospitality of my King is something renowned throughout many lands. So fantastic is the experience, that there are even those who have chosen never to leave."
While this was sounding fishier by the moment, for once Kenji couldn't think of an opposing plan. It seemed, they would just have to deal with this pyromancer and hope to get out of here before the chaos of their situation got any worse.
"Just to be clear, if anything strange should happen, the Order of the Midnight Eye will be hearing about it, and the Avengers will be summoned to investigate. This is your only warning," Kenji took great pride in seeing the look of concern that flashed across the forest child's eyes.
"Absolutely. What is this order you speak of though? In all my knowledge I have never heard of it-"
"And hopefully you never will. Now hurry, if we are to slay this pyromancer we'll need to know where it is. Although I'll need to sleep and recouperate before such a fight, as will my companions to replenish their strength."
But more importantly, Kenji wanted his many forms to finish regenerating inside of him. Without them he was stuck as a defunct old man, and that wasn't very useful in a battle.
"We have many secret glades were you can retire. Rest assured enchantments will prevent anyone from disturbing your slumber, so if you would come this way..."
Turning around, the Forest child led them deeper into the forest.
Wearily, Kenji and his companions followed.