Chapter 52 - The Fallen God

A grand mirror was positioned tall as a church, with fine Oakwood carved around its frame to appear a thousand wooden wings.

Within the mirror itself was a gigantic figure in Heavy silver armour forged with a tapestry of scenes upon it, squatting in a stone throne room filled with ancient weaponry and wielding a massive silver blade three times taller than the boy knight and twice as wide.

From the gods back sprouted six black feathered wings, the God's own midnight Black hair spilling out of what was once an angel's halo and now a silver crown. Each eye was a warm amber and filled with the passion of a thousand battles, just as his carved armour held said battles immortalised in forged silver.

"A has been some time," the god whispered, his amber eyes peering at Kenji through the mirror. Within Kenji spied fire, screaming, laughter and sighs. "Or one dressed as a human? Curious, I cannot tell. Who are you, why have you visited me?"

Kenji finally broke from his amazement, and found his tongue still functioning

"Save," he whispered, then blushed as he realised the foolishness of saying that aloud. This just really seemed like the occasion one would save before making a major decision.

"Save...? Who do you wish to save?"

"My friends, the people. The heroes too? I have a problem with growing attached you see, so mabye just saving the whole world for good measure would be the best reponse here?" Kenji cringed as he for some reason said that last part as if it were a question

Sighing, the Fourth god removed his crown to rest it on the arm of the stone throne.

"You have questions, best we get to those. But you do realise I am a Fallen God, right? If your seeking a patron for your crusader class, a contract with me would bring with it the ire of the other gods that banished me."

"They are not gods!" Kenji said vehemently, "I've seen what their desires lead to, and what they have led the humans to become! I renounced the Everseeing willingly, and would do the same again to the Braveheart and the Bountyfeast if they were as corrupt!"

"Then perhaps my favour would do nought but deepen their hatred of you," the god chuckled, " so how about it? Would you become one of the very few who would work alongside the Truthblade?"

"Can I know about why your a fallen God first? I have questions about my companions too, how to deal with this Fae King, and the human crusade besides..."

"Well, I was one of the seven gods raised by the council to become gods of this world for humanity. After the war with the gods of the other races, we were reduced to five. After the Three worked with the One on their little coup, Five was left wounded in the wilderness and I barely fought my way out alive. Even though I am the strongest, I cannot compete with all three of them alone. And now they are backed by a member of the council, not at all."

"What is this council that elevated you? And I thought the One was more of a fantasy world pope, how could he have such sway over the gods?"

"My time is precious, and not to be spent...I see now," the god leaned closer, the smouldering in his eyes flaring brighter. "You are one of the reborn, I had wondered how many of you they would send this time."

"And I'm the best of all of them, the others watch way too little TV. Now, what do you mean by 'this time'? Is the point even to create new heroes like Noir said?"

"Hush, I will give you an offer and be done with you. To earn my favour you must defeat this Fae who dares threaten the peace of many lands. To do so I advise you to speak with the Ambassador Demon to the Death Gate Alliance. Complete this task, and you may became one of my allies."

"Allies...not servant?" Kenji said carefully and yet nonetheless desperate to learn what he could from the Fallen God. "Because I'm all for a WW2 allied situation, but not so much for a 'became my unblinking slave in return for salvation' kind of deal."

"My servants are only the very few elites that meet my standards. Now go, your time is short. The Far King's enchantments will notice you eventually."

"Last question then, great Truthblade. You're really suggesting I contact a demon?" of all the questions Kenji desperately wanted answered, this felt the most important. "You see, that just sounds like a flat out bad idea. Not going to lie, I would assume it would be best to avoid demons whenever possible."

"Not all demons are worse than the Three. And the council is not the only supreme power. Now go, I have spoken."

With a mouth filled with questions, Kenji bowed and turned away. Back into the Hall of mirrors, Kenji became the Master Faun again and sought out the desired door.

Descending down black stairs Kenji discovered a hall of dark stone guarded by obsidian armoured satyrs with much more muscle and far more oppressive auras than the regular kind.

At the end of the hall, was a silver door surrounded by blazing purple runes and guarded by a pair of silver armoured Fae Knights. Their crimson eyes stared at Kenji as he approached, their light blades near blinding as they pulled them free.

"Who sent you?" the first snapped, an enchantment of authority only narrowly resisted by Kenji's Master Faun body.

"High Lord Greenbeard," Kenji said, having replied with the highest ranking individual barring the Far King himself. "He said I had permission, and that failure would be met with the wrath of the 'Decepticon League' if that means anything to you."

"High Lord Greenbeard was told the restricted mirrors were outside even his ability to access," the left most guard snapped. Kenji's blood ran cold as murderous intent flowed over him, his finely tuned body almost breaking it's impeccable composure.

"So make it quick, and then report this to the Far King immediately," the Fae Knight finished, apparently not able to even conceive that a lowly enchanted Master Faun might lie to him.

Knocking the door, it melted into the ground. Tentatively Kenji stepped between the pair, and into the gaping darkness between.