Chapter 55 - Fast and Furious

Wisps of power simmered off the Fae Master butler's suit, the wrinkles of his face similarly stretched with rage. Kenji fell from right above him - yet was caught mid air by a Sun Elf sourrounded in a bubble of shrieking wind.

"Cut off my ears!" she shouted, as the pair flew along a hallway with a dozen servants in close persuit. "I can't do it, but you can. I must not hear the order!"

If not for the very certain death that would await failure, Kenji would never have been able to tarnish such perfection made flesh. In a moment it was over, crimson flowing from where once had been long elvish ears. With endless apology he was wrapping cloth around her head when the order boomed.

"Halt Ailia, and hold the creature still," the Fae's voice came with a magical clarity to pierce through her wind. Yet without ears she could not hear the command, and carried Kenji down several side tunnels while not disturbing a single thread of the lavish decorations.

Pushing herself faster and faster, wind pushed her like a rocket to fly down the hallways as fast as a racecar and make turns so tight Kenji's cheek shaved the walls. She bound off the roof, flipped over gaps and burst out a balcony to summon several illusions of herself. Each flew back through a seperate balcony, although her wind magic seemed to be reduced as it was split between them.

The servants raced after the illusions, yet seemingly ignored Ailia. For whatever reason they were soon alone.

Kenia heart raced as she slowed down, her light jog still far faster than anything Kenji could hope to ever achieve. Each artful step continued to weave around furniture, servants and even the floors whilst not disturbing the aid in her wake.

"You should be safe now, I've activated my invisibility ring," she whispered, a glinting gem emitting the slightest of shines on her finger.

"Thank you. For saving my life that is, and for..." Kenji stopped speaking when she failed to respond, eyes focused only on constant movement to avoid their persuers and ears left long behind.

Without leaving a trace, and while taking seemingly random twists and turns, Ailia most certainly threw off any chance of being tracked. Soon Kenji found himself before several other Sun Elves of the lessor breed, all waiting before a still dazed Goldbeans and Grey.

"Fare thee well, and thank you for your help your manesty" the maid said, curtsying towards the now earless Elite Sun Elf.

"I hope you found what you sought. We will wait patiently for your return. Your majesty," added the butler, bowing towards the earless elf.

Smiling, the elf that could no longer hear waved away their concerns and activated the other ring on her finger. The green gem glowed brightly, and quickly the blood stopped flowing from her head while a soft green glow began to regenerate her missing ears.

"Before I go, who are you to run like that? All that magic and moving so fast...I've never imagined anything like it," Kenji said, amazed as within moments her ears had returned, now looking good as new.

"I am Ailia, and once was the Queen of the Sun Elves. All of those that attend the Far King directly are sourced from either individual prodegies or members of various elvish royal families. But please go, and keep my daughter safe," leaning forward Ailia kissed Kenji warmly on the cheek, her golden hair brushing against his chin and the warmth of her breath blessing his neck.

Left in a grinning daze himself, Kenji bowed awkwardly and hurried away with his friends. Yet halting, an idea formed.

"Your majesty," Kenji said quite excited, "there is a way you can help us. It would only take a few moments, but if you let me caste my ability on you I could replicate some of those powers of yours. Such strength might prove the deciding factor in the battles to come. Would you be willing to face some small discomfort in return for greatly aiding our chances of freeing your people?"

Ailia was hesitant, but after come gentle persuasion soon agreed. She shuddered as Kenji costed her, emitting strange sounds and squekes only to collapse as Kenji pulled away. Having replaced the Corrupt Spirit street Forbidden slot with a copy of the Sun Elf Queen Kenji was pretty happy with himself.

With hazy red cheeks and quick breathes, the Sun Elf Queen seemed pretty happy too.

"I look forward to your return!" she said, waving as Kenji and his companions found an enchanted path. Waving back, Kenji also looked forward to seeing them again, even as he left the Far King's enchanted domain.

Left behind was the sweet air, picturesque gardens and hauntingly beautiful people. Travelling last the war camps Kenji watched an army of Satyrs and monsters marching along through the forest. So too came runbling siege engines, grumbling trolls with slings and stones, huge treants with branches filled with supplies needed for a siege and an endless swarm of goblins wielding every possible weapon of war.

Leading them all came the dark furred satyr with a regal nature to him. Somehow the Satyr general had grown taller and more powerful since last Kenji saw him, as if blessed with renewed power. Demonic text adorned his arms and legs, pulsing chaos fire filling the air with a sulphuric taste and the feeling of wrong. Every step left a burning hoof in the ground, every breath sending waves of power trembling through the air while in both hands was held a scimitar bound in black hellfire.

If Kenji didn't hurry back in time, he feared he would return to find Tariak a smoking ruin. And even if he did make it, could he really defeat the Satyr general even assuming he would prove victorious against such overwhelming numbers?

Kenji sure hoped so, because if the Far King captured the town and raised fresh enchanted troops from the humans there he could go on warring almost indefinitely. Even if King Thunberad's army finally crushed the Far King's forces, the amount of devestation would see Tariak and the surrounding region lost forever.

Determined, Kenji swore that would not happen.