chapter 57 - Mustering a Defence

Jack approached the old stone walls of Tariak with grim eyes. Even while he felt blissful relief to have somthing between his men and the enemy, the knowledge of their numbers and the capacity for war quashed any semblance of comfort in their future.

His long ragged band approached with slow dragging steps. The goats had harried them for days now, and several times Warden Company had escaped only through a great many losses.

Still, Jack's troops marched in somthing resembling a formation and with the high eyes of a soldier. His crusaders, his criminals and the retired soldiers had been all made officers and given command of ten warriors each.

"The Three's banner should be held higher," Phillip said in that needling tone. Jack rolled his eyes and focused on the coming messenger. The crusaders could hold the banners as low or high as they liked for all he cared. His brothers and sisters had fought for days with more bravery than Jack had ever seen in the old fossils of the church's leadership - they deserved to think for their own.

"Are you the Wild Warden the refugees have been speaking about?" the messenger shouted, pulling his horse to a stop at a suitable distance.

"This is the Warden of the inquisition! Show your respect if you wish for the Three's favour!" roared Phillip, with several of those priests closest to him pressing their fingers to their forehead and giving the messenger a dark look. Come to think of it, Jack had noticed then making the gestured to ward off evil when he was around.

Strange, Jack couldn't even remember the last time he had mirrored such superstitious behaviour. It just felt as distant as his hunt to him now, a cold empty act when compared to the burning feeling of his contentment in his chest whenever he pushed himself to fight for those that could not. He did not feel forlorn about the lack of battle however, for even if others would be taking care of the ear now it would still be Jack's duty to see this villages warm, fed and respected.

"Apologies, I did not realise you were members of the inquisit-"

"Enough, my people need food, water and lodging. Have that seen too, and then lead me to whoever has taken command of this town's defense," Jack said as he strode past the fuming Phillip.

"Then come this was Captain, your people will be tended to but your wisdom would aid the council greatly."

Turning his horse around, the messenger dismounted and gestured towards Jack. Another horse approached for Phillip, with a wagon for a handful of crusaders to follow.

"You too Flower Knight, Carthas too and Burgeon," Jack said gesturing to his most powerful warrior and the two top performing villagers.

Carthas had the stern temperament, talent for learning and truth of heart required to make a fantastic knight. With Jack's help, he would be called Sir Carthas before long.

Burgeon meanwhile was a mountain on the move, his sons just as large. Travellers from a far away land, the huge men of the mountains had worked wonders in the forge until a satyr attack had brought out the beast within again. Of all the villages Jack had sent messengers too, only the village of Lufas had both resisted the Satyr threat and readied for travel. Since then Burgeon and his sons and proven natural war leaders, and the most fantastic soldiers Jack could hope for.

With both his loyal crusaders and most trusted warriors behind him, Jack steered his horse towards Tariak with his head held high. Approaching, the walls were filled with people, colourful petals dousing the air and blaring horns announced Warden Company's arrival.

Passing through the gate, Jack was met by a great crowd. The Late Lord's soldiers, local mercenaries and adventurers of all stripes were peppered through a huge crowd of hastily armed and armoured militiamen.

They looked like the ragged bunches Jack had collected on his way through the villages, and already plans run through his mind as to how he could increase the chance of their survival. He'd whip them into shape in no time, give them capable leaders and elevate all those who already had some natural talent or learned ability within war to whichever positions they could handle.

Yet whoever led the defense wasn't doing too bad a job, streets being walled off with barricades, huge squares of peasants training with spear and bow while the old and young crafted all the materials required.

Wizards were binding magical traps into shields, while rogues constructed a web of paths across Tariak's roofs. Warriors battled lessor fighters incessantly in an attempt to teach a few some warriors skills, while Rangers guided collections of hunters into firing arrows with increased power, precision and accuracy.

Lastly were the priests, blessing everyone with [Crown] an ability of those following the Bountyheart. The [Crown] blessing increased XP gain, and no doubt was responsible for a great many trainees hastily being raised to match the very lowest form of adventurer.

Interestingly, the messenger led Jack not to the Lord's manor, but the old fort of the Golden Goose Guild. Somewhat repaired, and with its moat deepened and filled with fresh water, the structure had returned to some portion of it's former glory.

Outside the proud banners if the Kingdom flew beside the Three and a Silver Swan. The last was a knight's order of some renown, even Jack having heard of their exploits .

Soldiers with the Silver Swan badge marched in and out, actual Knights of the order busy leading training sessions on the Guild's first floor within.

Jack was escorted up to the second were the nobles, rich merchants and greatest warriors of the guilds had been gathered.

Passing into the third floor, Jack was ushered in by a catgirl into Almanacs room turned war room. Chairs were pulled around a grand table, a rough map of the region outfitted with dozens of coloured pieces that servants moved as new messengers arrived.

Both Almanac of the Golden Goose Guild, the Heads Hunter's Guildmaster and several Guildmasters from adventurer guilds Jack did not know argued endlessly with wealthy nobles and stoic Silver Swan Knights.

"Be calm, all of you! This is us versus the monsters now, just follow the plan and all will be well!" the boy knight shouted, Jack's blood running cold as he stared at his forgotten prey right in the eye.

"You," Phillip screamed, pointing at the boy knight with a crazed look, "Sieze that heretic, for the Three he must not live!"

Steel rasped into the air, crusaders pushed themselves forward while adventurers pulled out their own weapons the to resist. Amidst the mayhem Jack held his silver knife, and paused.

Before he could figure of what to do, purple fire clad crystal erupted from the ground, a purple elf with sinewy ears and dull iron bracers staring with Violet eyes that spat embers of purple flame.

From behind appeared a gigantic wolf from seemingly thin air, a huge moon appearing before turning silver to bind those that stood with the boy knight in a silver glow.

"Stop, we don't have to fight. If you care about the people of this town, then please stop!" the boy knight said, his golden eyes filled with concern.

Seeing that pure worry even while his own life was being threatened, Jack out his silver knife back in the sheath.