Chapter 62 - Roar of Magic

"Archers, hold until the enemy are within range!" Lord Swan said as the tide of enemies charged ever forward.

The packs of Ghouls disrupted the charge for a time, the enemy front ranks envoleped in a swarm of gnashing undead teeth. The Ghouls were pretty smart too, already having dug small tunnels beneath the heaps of dead, and ambushing the enemy as they passed on by.

Those of the enemy vanguard that made it past the ghoul warren's and mounds of dead then found themselves shot down by arrows or crushed by rocks. But as more and more of the enemy arrived they began to rapidly build large wooden shelters.

These shelters became the staging ground for ladder attacks, and soon Kenji received the signal from Lord Swan.

"I'll be right back!" he said running down the stairs, the allied humans both glad and concerned to see the necromancer fleeing.

Down the stairs Kenji flew, around the corner and to where an executioners platform had been augmented. Huge sets of iron plate hung from dozens of sets of thick rope, even more gigantic armour pieces arranged all around.

"We just finished, somehow. Give them hell kid,"muttered Burgeon, one of the rescued blacksmiths of Warden Company. His apprentice sons saluted from behind him.

"Those guys are insane I'm telling you. Bloody bastards didn't stop hammering for even a moment!" the local blacksmith said in disbelief.

A chuckling voice made Kenji turn, Almanac appearing on a cloud of gold mist with a large palm sized saphire in hand. Yet no normal gem, this saphire blasted an endless stream of freezing cold in every direction.

"Better get suited up Kenji, I'll be looking forward to seeing if all this expense is really going to be worth it," Almanac grinned, "although if it works, this will make for an excellent few lines in the poem of how Almanac the Great saved Tariak from annihilation."

"Even though this was my idea," Kenji said as he morphed into the main Troll body in his storage. While he had a copy of the same troll in his forbidden slot, the weakened state of using a cloned body over the real one made using it less attractive a choice.

And even if he ended up destroying this real body, he could always just keep using the expendable [Forbidden Copy] version in future if he so wished.

All the while the ropes had been loosened, and mounds of iron armour slamned down on Kenji's trollish shoulders. Powerfully built, he easily supported the weight as he swiftly became covered in heavy iron armour coated with a hundred old knives, swords, spear heads and farming equipment melted atop it to produce a spiky carapace.

"Do remind me, who owns the incredibly rare ice gem? And which of us has the arcane skill to imbue it's properties into your equipment's design?" Almanac said as he peered into the wisdom hidden within his finger nails.

Rolling his eyes, Kenji pulled down the thick iron helmet, topped with a rhino like horn, and thick enough to stop a dragons claw.

"Fine, you can have the credit. Can you please hurry up now?"

The instant Kenji admitted defeat Almanac got to his work with a laser focus. Placing the gem safely underneath Kenji's helmet, within the Rhino horn no less, Almanac allowed the ice essence to flow along the paths he had forged into the armour. Soon the horn froze over, that same ice shuddering along Kenji's arms to encase his knuckles.

Laughing with a deep trollish voice, and admired how his Morningstar bristled over with magic ice.

Eventually the armour became fully coated in magical ice, and Kenji felt ready.

"I need to move before this freezes me over," Kenji grunted, each step followed by a chorus of snapping crystals.

"Hey now, I can still do better than this you know? Behold, my aesthetic spells!" with a wave of his hands Almanac wove bands of flaming red magic around Kenji's troll body, the bright scarlet contrasting the ice blue with wild tribal lines.

"Alright, thanks. I have to get going now Almanac, keep the people safe."

"You too Kenji, even as upgraded as you are that Troll body is far from invincible. Stay away from fire whenever possible, your body can't regenerate quickly from burn damage," quickly Alamanc strode away, apparently needing to billow golden mist as he did so. Remembering the plan, Kenji knew Alamanc would be going to lead the wizards in reacting to extreme threats.

Walking quickly with slapping feet, Kenji build up into a jog, then a stone shaking sprint. Bounding down the street Kenji passed ranks of guards that had cleared a direct path, Kenji able to make it to the stairs and then stop the walls in record time.

Madness ensued as lumbering siege towers either exploded from magical explosions or reached the walls to unleash tides of Satyrs.

Goblins arose atop a hundred ladders, while through the enemy ranks beserker saytr attempted to reach the walls. While the archers focused their fire on the demon scrawled satyrs, far too many of the regular kind still reached the wall.

But now that Kenji had arrived, the tide could turn again. Charging along the wall Kenji swung his Morningstar, a siege tower being blown to smithereens and it's rubble becoming a storm of razer sharp ice. The goblins that had begun to overwhelm a position held by militia men were stomped into slush, while a Minotour that had fought a Silver Swan knight in brutal melee found its should frozen, then shattered.

Enemy Fauns loosed a cloud of arrows at Kenji, to merely bounce of his thick armour. Spears, knives and horns were equally useless against Kenji's iron plate we BMJ.

Down the walls a great smashing of stone exploded against the walls followed by a blast of hellflame. The enemy general had focused his ogre slingers and dark magicians into targeting an already crumbling section of wall, and quickly blasted away the outer layer into rubble.

As Kenji charged to help he sent satyrs and their monstrous servants flying. Pleasingly they seemed not so fanatical around Kenji, a sign that the abundance of iron in his armour was successfully weakening the enemy's enchantments.

Despite Kenji's battle prowess, he was nowhere close when the walls crumbling into a mound of debris. Outside Tariak the enemy forces surged towards the gap, while Kenji was caught needing to destroy the siege towers that continued to rumble forward through the battlefield.