Chapter 64 - Traitors at the Gate

"Hold. Hold your positions!" Lord Swan yelled, his ranks of soldiers lowering their spears while knights continued to stream in to slow down the river of enemies rushing through the opened gate.

Beside the Lord ran Jack, and in several explosive steps he made it to and up the wall. Jumping to the door he blasted it open with a round house kick, and discovered a bunch of adventurers having frozen the pulley system.

"Go back, our job's done here," their leader said, as a pair of wizards finished freezing the many cranks that operated the gate in place under mounds of gleaming ice.

"We don't want to fight you, but we won't have a choice if you come closer," another said, holding his sword and shield in battle stance.

"You're all enchanted, aren't you?" Jack grimaced, and eyed one of the warriors in the back wielding a blunt mace.

"Yes. When we were travelling through the forest years ago we were captured by-"

Jack lunged forward and slamned aside a warrior with the flat of his blade. Dodging a sword strike, he kicked the warriors shield and sent him tumbling back.

Weaving his way through while disabling several more adventurers, Jack grabbed the mace from the back warrior's hands and bashed his legs into broken pieces.

"Stop, please!" their leader cried out as Jack smashed his way through the remaining adventurers to start blasting aside the chunks of ice. In three swift strikes the gears were pulled free, and the soldiers now spilling into the room after him could begin closing the gate.

"Bring them in alive! Have the lady Violet tend to them, see if she can break the enchantments on their minds. Send a message to interrogate them, and discover if the enemy had any other ploys planned," as Jack paused while the soldiers pulled the injured adventurers away, the stones swayed beneath him and great bellows mixed in with the sounds of battle.

Lunging past the soldiers Jack whirled down the stairs to find three trolls sourrounded by blazing green energy holding up the steel gate. Some archers fired shots at them, while the majority stood dazed. Amidst the archers ranks, the Flower Knight had a bandana of flowers over her face as she rapidly split a series of cute little mushrooms creatures in two. The creatures were hard to see, but wherever they ran the defenders soon became slack jawed and sleepy eyed.

Luckily many of the forward line warriors were largely unaffected, and currently battled against hellflame bearing saytr. Jumping down, Jack withdrew his claymore mid air to cleave two Satyrs, and with a rapid succession of strikes brought stability to the forward lines.

When the bodies had piled up as high as his chest, the archers finally resumed their volleys while reinforcing knight's, soldiers and militiamen poured in to fill the gaps.

Yet charging through the gateway came Satyr bezerkers. A full forty of them. Bunched up as they were, the human defenders couldn't make room, and were blasted apart along with their enemies.

While dozens of demonically transformed goatmen appeared, one of their kind arose from having destroyed a knight and several soldiers as somthing else completely.

Floating off the ground, with balls of flame in hand, this creature gave off the feeling of a higher demon amidst his lessors. With a fiery claw he directed the others to charge, while sending wisps of flame to reduce the ranged units to pulps of charred flesh.

Activating [Holy Copy] Jack pulled forth the abilities of a vampire he had captured long ago. His speed, strength and healing ability enhanced, Jack quickly pulled off a dead knight's cloak to shield himself from the blazing sun and charged into the fray.

Fast and strong as he was, Jack withstood the demonic offensive single handedly, buying the time for his allies to regroup. Soon after, wizards sent spells blasting amongst the enemy ranks, while valiant knight's cleaved their way closer to the High Demon.

Before long the Flower Knight joined him to his left, as the fearless Caster did his right. Together they fought desperately while townsfolk and soldiers were slaughtered all around them, finally reaching the enemy High Demon's position.

The High Demon in turn just chuckled and floated backwards, allowing the endless Satyr reinforcements to fight while the High Demon continued its merciless bombardment of hellfire amongst their back lines.

Battle lines crumbling, it became just Jack and his two companions against the endless enemy. Realising how powerful the three were, the enemy reinforcements increasingly preferred to climb stop the mounds of dead and dash into the streets of Tariak.

If something was not done soon, the whole town would become filled with Satyr warriors. A huge ball of flame streaked from the sky to set the three trolls holding the gate ablaze, the creatures quickly letting go and screaming. Two ran burning into their own ranks, while the third had his neck crushed against stone by the weight of the gate.

With the enemies reinforcements cut off, the Higher Demon became unsupported. Snarling, it raised its hands, and quickly built up a ball of liquid flame that would likely vapourise Jack and everyone around him.

An ice coated Morningstar flew from above to crush the demon's chest, its own ball of flame falling to consume it's summoner and scour it's existence from the world amidst a flood of fire that spread in all directions.

Jack saluted Kenji, who in turn was hit by a barrage of stones and hellfire arrows. Fearlessly he continued to throw off ladders and punch down siege towers until several torrents of coordinated hellflame sent him blasting off the wall altogether.

A burning meteor, Kenji crashed into a far away building.