Chapter 25 - Land Down Under

"I've never been here before, I don't know the way to the exit," Ellie murmured, turning to Kenji with the look of alarm in her eyes.

"If this dungeon was designed, it's possible we triggered something by coming in such a large group. Everyone on alert, let's take this slow while we work out way towards that castle. Be aware, one of the eighteen targets of the Thunberad Crusade are very likely to be hiding here."

How else could he explain that Australian flag? Or these eucalyptus trees, or the damned koalas?

"G'day mate!" shouted one of the koalas with a thick Australian accent and who took its time strolling over on little furred feet. "What's got your knickers in a twist, lost are ya?"

"Stop!" Kenji said, Bloodhorn lowering their bows while Sundrake snuffed out their flaring magic.

The koala placed a gum leaf in its mouth and slowly chewed, "your all pretty weird alright, anything I can do for you lads?"

"That castle, is one of the 18 evil souls there?" Kenji said breathlessly, a cold sweat dripping down his back.

"Yeah, nah."

"Is that a yes or a no?" Kenji's brows were stitched together as his frustrating grew as the full eyed koala continued to chew.

"It means that's my mate's Barry's house. Oi, Jezza, was Barry's barbeque today?" Turning sharply the koala addressed his companion, who slowly opened his eyes.

"Struth mate, I think your right Mazza. We better be going!"

"Good to meet you mate, come drop by Barry's place later today for the shindig. The Sheila's are welcome too," the koala winked at Ellie, then turned around and began to saunter off.

Too late did Kenji notice the Bloodhorn act, their ebony horned leader having thrown his spear at the koala with blinding speed, a cord of blazing black turning the spear into what looked a bolt of black lightning.

"Watch out-"

The koala turned almost lazily and plucked the spear from the air mere moments from being skewered. With two claws he held the flaming spearhead, sniffed it, then looked at the Bloodhorn leader with his little black eyes.

"Crikey that was close! Word of warning mate, the boys and girls in the hidden room are some of the very strongest in the dungeon, the Roamers even stronger than that. And Barry? Well, don't piss off Barry."

With two claws the koala flung the spear into the air, flying over a tree and out of sight. Gritting his teeth, the Bloodhorn leader watched his favoured weapon fly away.

"Everyone, we're following them!" Ellie announced, Kenji staring at her with disbelief.

"Have you lost your mind? One of the evil 18! This isn't a joke, we need to gather information and put an end to their plots before it grows out of hand."

"Great Guildmaster, all due respect but if they wanted us dead we'd already be in the ground. We can't retreat either, the subterranean path always vanishes after use," turning Ellie pointed at where they had come, now just blue-tinted stone in a blue rockface. "lastly, you were the one you taught me to look for the rules of a dungeon. Well, this floor is insanely powerful, but everyone respects this 'Barry' guy and without those koalas introducing us I think our chances of gaining his favour would be much harder."

Won over, Kenji soon joined the rest in chasing after the pair of koalas. Ellie begged their forgiveness, but the koalas waved all that aside.

"Water under the bridge mate, don't worry about it," Mazza said and peered anxiously up at Barry's house. "Just hope we get there in time, I'd rather eat a shit sandwich."

Kenji wanted to point out if they increased their pace past that of a beetles crawl they'd get there in no time. But biting his lip he continued to let Ellie take charge, who rapidly crushed any whining that emerged from her ranks.

Soon they had sound their way to the fortress gates, thrown open and filled with several empty barbeques and broken ping pong tables. Within was a man with an unbuttoned bright red Hawaiian shirt , blue flipflops and a wide-brimmed leather hat.

"Mazza! Jezza! Well, how they bloody hell are ya?" Barry said with a great grin, and sauntered over, "and you brought guests? Well, as me mum used to say, more the merrier!"

"Thank you for having us, Mr Barry," Ellie said, Barry waving away her words as he laughed.

"Know's her P's and Q's this one! Think nothing of it little lady, consider my home yours! Now, what's brought you, adventurers, here, wasn't my famous Down Under Beer was it?"

"We came through the Rose Gate," Ellie said a little breathless, Kenji growing uncomfortable as Barry strolled rather close for comfort and offered a hand.

Taking it, Ellie shook with a dazed smile.

"Lovely, Rose is one the ¢^©π¥ hands out, right?" Barry's smile faltered as Ellie pulled sharply away and stared, "sorry, that's not what I meant to say. The #-"°€÷`= gave it to you...oh."

Barry's smile threatened to fade before it gained a second wind and just grew wider.

"No matter! Who cares about all that when we have a party!"

"Uh, don't you need more than this?" Ellie murmured, noting nothing more than the barbeques and broken ping pong tables in the outdoors area before the great stone tenement.

"Your right! Jezza, you're on tunes. Mazza, you're on rolls. Hezza is out taking care of invitations, Maurice is on grog and Blake...well being a snake and all she doesn't have any arms. Which means there's no one left to get the snags."

"We can do it," Ellie said quickly, "especially if you could help us get to the fifth floor boss after this Mr Barry."

"Please, Calle me Bazza," Bazza grinned, "and thanks a heap guys! I'd go myself, but I'm needed to fix the ping pong tables. Got a little too into the game last week, and haven't had the time to collect more titanium since!"

Walking over, Kenji discovered the broken tables were shining in the cracks as if they were painted metal. The barbeques too were running on extremely high-grade fire crystals, crushed up and used like common coal.

Turning to stare, Kenji realised that while Barry seemed the relaxed type - he had high-grade boss level items laying around like trash loot.

It almost wanted to make Kenji see if he could be defeated, and to find out what treasures lay in his home.

"So just head to the hidden level of the Cannibal Gnomes. No one knows meat like cannibals, and their snags are the best!" Barry said as he whistled loudly, Kenji having to blink a few times before he understood what Barry had just said.

A huge brown snake slithered free from an adjoining room, a wig with a mullet stuck to her head.

"You called Bazza?" Blake said.

"Yeah, mind showing these guys where the cannibal Gnomes are? They're going on a snag run you see."

"Oh yeah, good shit those snags are, ay Bazza?"

"Right on Blake. Alrighty then, I'll cya you fellas later then!"

"Wait!" Kenji said, needing to know, "you're from Earth right? Are you of the eighteen evil souls then?"

Frowning, Barry laughed, "Nah mate, no idea what that is. I am from Earth though, anyway gotta go, talk later at the party. Bye!"

Jumping away, Bazza flew high into the sky and activated something from his pocket. In the next moment a Mantaray exploded into reality below him, and riding the flying Mantaray Bazza flew through the sky and out of sight.

"Well fuck me sideways," Kenji said shaking his head.

"Well once I get pissed up tonight hun, you might get your chance," Blake the giant snake said as she winked at Kenji who focused on not shuddering too obviously.