Chapter 29 - Bishop to D4

"Where are we going?" Jack asked, "This is not the way to the cathedral."

Jack could literally see the new cathedral being built in the distance. It would dwarf the old version more than ten times over when completed, entire roads requisitioned to become highways of materials, magical supplies, and manpower. The whole damned Kingdom had donated to its reconstruction, but even that shouldn't have been enough gold for this.

At this rate, it would rival the Royale Palace in grandeur - a palace that his handlers of the Nameless Legion were steering Jack towards. Jack closed his mouth as they approached the steps to the Royale Palace, more of a grand fortress whose white walls dominated the Alandrian capital.

"Who wants to see me?" Jack whispered, the warriors of the Nameless Legion continuing to ignore him. Why would they answer, when they recognised only the One and his pet Templars as their masters?

"That's far enough," Phillip said as Jack was brought before a pair of Royale Guards who cross spears before the entrance to the Royale Palace. Each was seven-foot-tall, utterly still, the eyes beneath their helmets glowing bright gold.

Phillip stood behind them.

"Let him through, the Legion can wait outside."

Steel rasped as the spears pulled apart, the Nameless Legion growing tense. Under all that unmarked iron armour Jack could feel the anger in their aura, the suspicion. Hands went to holsters, but not one dared to draw forth their weapon before one of the One's Inquisitors.

"This son of the Three is under our protection. We have orders not to relinquish his custody, to anyone," the Nameless Captain said, wearing the exact same plate as his men, face hidden by dull iron.

"Captain, I am an Inquisitor. I do not have to explain myself to you, now kindly wait outside."

He had him there, Jack knew the Nameless Legion inside and out after having grown up through their ranks. He knew better than any of the trials they faced in life.

"I swear on the Three to return to you, Captain. My business with the One can resume then," because while Jack was loathed to interact with the royale family, he at least was well enough aware of what Phillip could do to him if he fell out of favour. Jack was walking a fine line, with bottomless darkness on either side. If he wanted to save the people of this land, then he'd have to continue to be careful with every step.

Staring beneath the mask, Jack caught a hint of blue in that smouldering faceplate. Those eyes were like little lakes, and closing them, the Captain stepped back.

"Thank you, captain. Jack, hurry up now, we have an appointment that cannot wait," Phillip turned and began marching down the hall of white stone, Jack hurrying after him. He felt awkward leaving the Captain behind, the man not at fault. He was simply too low of rank to impose the proper order of things.

"Right here, one hour!" The captain shouted, Jack, smiling as he nodded.

"One hour," Jack said, knowing full well there was nothing to hold him to that. The Captain knew it too, and yet nonetheless he stood rigid, his Nameless Legionaries behind him taking positions to the side of the staircase.

Swiftly Jack and Phillip marched through marbled halls, all manner of noble fluttering about like flies. Magicians too from the Royale Magic Academy, Holy Knights here to swear service, and even the Royale Paladin.

Paladin Stuart had been a famous man once, his curled golden hair and stoic frame inspiring many a poets balad. Yet after entering the king's service, his fame was cut short, as he had faded from the public mind.

"Stuart, is his majesty close?" Phillip asked, the stoic Paladin activating [Greater Sight] to form a blazing eye in his forehead.

"He is, although pray make it quick. No offence Inquisitor, but our majesties available time is limited these days. Made the All-Seeing guide us all," stepping aside, Paladin Stuart revealed a humble door hidden behind his large frame.

Turning the handle the Paladin allowed them within, where King Thunberad planned over a servants table. Two Inquisitors were present, one with artificial eyes covered in a magical script, and another who stood tall and still as a statue.

The room was rimmed by similarly still servants, each with sword and shield scrawled with runes the like Jack had never seen, and staring at the blank ceiling without emotion.

"What is happening?" Jack whispered, Phillip, entering without a word.

"Phillip, it is good to see you. This is the boy you spoke of?" the King of all Alandria said, his arms going wide as if to embrace them from afar.

But where were his guards? His courtiers? His priests, retainers, knights...

And why did the King look so haggard? Dark rings shadowed his eyes, his black heard was unkempt, and a wicked series of scars curled down his left cheek to vanish under an old scarf at his neck.

"Indeed your majesty, he is ready I believe. To be told the true purpose of his existence, and to be allowed into our order. May the All-Seeing guide us," Phillip whispered Jack, staring at him as if he had gone mad.

"You can speak your mind, boy, in but a short time. Until then, there is something. i most show you. A dark secret as to our reality, and the ONLY hope humanity has at salvation," with a wave of his hand the room began to hum, and Jack felt near weightless.

Gravity returned with a kick, and the door was opened behind him. By a man with spiked hair, wild eyes and a maniacal grin, glowing green light spilling out from the chamber behind him.

"Welcome, brother. The Order of the Manics has long awaited your arrival. Come, let us show to you your destiny."

"No need to be shy, the King will be right with us," Phillip said reassuringly. "Just take the first step, and the rest will come to you naturally. This is what you were made for Jack, this is what you were born to do, aren't you curious?"

The first step beyond that doorway was hard, but as curiosity took hold the following became easier. A destiny? Him...the little orphan brat that hadn't been worthy to lick the scum of a nobles boot?

The second step came easier, and the third felt right.