Chapter 49 - God of Greed

"We've searched everywhere, but just like the Antique Store they were only collecting material valuables. We did find the missing mimics however, they were in shipping crates, the ledger said they were to be sent of to Leningrad tomorrow," Almanac sighed, a great gloom sweeping through the adventurers.

Kenji sat down on a crate, the golden Waykey from the Spider's belt rolling over and over in his hand.

"The survivors, did we get them all?"

"Some escaped, Kragg is chasing them now. Arti is leading the druids in scouting with crows too, but they seem to have gone to ground. So unless you could-"

"I know, I know. I'm on it, everyone out, OUT!"

They left quickly, leaving Kenji amidst the Sidkhani dead, Venom's corpse festering in one of his Forbidden Slots. They knew he was on edge, they gave him room, but at least Violet refused to budge.

"You're an idiot, I'm not going to let you get yourself killed just because I took my eyes off you. How would we rescue Tenko then?"

"Your princess is in another castle," Kenji murmured and transformed in a flash of emerald light.

Arising as Venom the Spider, Kenji cracked his shoulders and felt the strength of a Sidkhani body. It wasn't just power though, but daring, bravery, determination. A Sidkhani would never forget, never relent, never stop until it's purpose was done. So why had Venome been so easy to topple, just how had he built what Kenji had thought to be such a powerful group - only to collapse like a house of cards?

The secret lay with his Waykey, and what the destination had done to him.

Venom's power was mastery of poison. He could use it to kill, maim, terrify, and turn through awful treatments of humans into trembling slaves. His power of limb combined with poison made the power unstoppable, and he had used it to bring the Sidkhani refugees into the strong foundation of a mafia-like crime family. He had ruled Oldeth, he would have become its king.

That was until he got the Waykey. Inside was...a god...the god. The God of Greed, Skadi.

She had a spinning wheel there and promised magic, weaponry, knowledge and more in return for bets. Big bets. Hundreds of gold. Artefacts. Spider related paraphernalia being her favourite. With his winnings, the Spider geared his Spiderknights created three unbeatable assassins and grew immensely powerful.

Until he fell to the same demon as Kenji, and gambled again, and again. Not just mountains of wealth, but the power he had gained, the knowledge, the magic. His own starting abilities were gambled down the gutter, leaving the Spider only with a casino and his methods of collecting enough wealth to try again.

"Fuck," Kenji muttered.

"What, did you find where the survivors would have gone?"

Snatching a piece of paper, Kenji wrote a list.

"They'll stay out of our way for a while, getting ready to fight back. This idiot was so focused on getting more trinkets to gamble with that he spread his warriors far and wide. If we don't solve that we'll have a thousand of the bastards clubbing our men from the shadows."

"So you just walk out there and tell them to stand down, easy."

"No, it's a bit worse than that. Those names I wrote down are the various crime families of Oldeth that swore to support the 18- Gravitas. Huh, so they have a name. Anyway, Venom didn't know all their hideouts, and antagonizing them is only going to bring a wave of crime bosses trying to tear us apart. We can stop a thousand Sidkhani, but can we stop ten thousand criminals with a web spreading across Alandria?"

"That...sounds tough. Do you have an idea of what to do?"

"We call a meeting, claim I'm turning over to their side. Once we get the Sidkhani under control, we can amass their wealth too. Anything that directly helps the guild can be taken, but the rest of the valuables should be brought here."

"Why? You want to do something lewd with a bunch of paintings?"

"Something like that, but for now, let's get going," Rushing past her, Kenji found the room they were keeping the Sidkhani captives. Violet calmed the guards, while Kenji freed the prisoners.

"Spider, you're alive! We knew you couldn't have died, what do you want us to do?" they said, brawny arms ready to brain the anxious adventurer guards.

"I've surrendered, we work with these people now. See Vector, Armistice, Red Colon, and Sangria Amar. Bring our warriors back here, and let the other crimelords know it would be in their best interest to meet Kenji Aztec about joining his Hero Guild. What are you waiting for? Go!"

The Sidkhani shuffled away, into the Casino, then into Oldeth's streets.

"Was that wise Inheritor? We had them by the balls," Lando said, still appearing a Sidkhani officer.

"I know, and you will be meeting with them later. Tell them they should obey me, and bring back a list of those that disagree. Kragg and Hartog can deal with any holdouts."

"And you lord? What will you do."

"I'll come with you to the meeting, but I have work to achieve before then. Treasure is about to start flowing in from every holdout we have, but I want to make sure we get it all. Once the weapons, armour, and other useful tools are ready for Violet to distribute I want to gather every luxury item in this whole place. Strip it bare, and pool it together."

"Everything? What could you possibly use a dragon's horde of wealth for?"

"What else?" Kenji smiled, "I'm going to go gambling."

Violet groaned.

"Oh, and Lando, how good are those three actors you showed me at your base?"

"Them? Why, they are the finest actors in all the land! Do you require a play Inheritor?"

"No, just send them to me. I'll have some time to train them, hopefully they are quick learners."