Angel were stunned shock by the shocking news that the doctor said
her lips trembled as her hand reach out to touch her flat belly, she tightened
her fist as she started to cry...
Angel : no....... no....... I don't want this baby, this is a devil's child
I don't want it..... Please doctor do something...... Angel cried begging
the doctor she clenched her fist and about to punch her stomach when Edward
notice her actions and hurriedly stop her from hurting herself and the baby in
her tummy.....
Edward : no.... Stop.... Don't hurt yourself and your baby.... It is God's blessings
to you.....
Angel : no.... This baby is a child of that devil who raped and ruined me..... He's a devil's
child!!! How can he be a God's blessings.... These child is a curse i don't want it
Please...... Help me...... Angel cried hystericaly as she tried to punch her stomach, doctor
Serrano open his medicine bag and took a syringe injecting it on Angel's arms to calm her down
Angel gradually stop from struggling until she fell asleep again due to exhaustion and the effect of
the medicine that doctor Serrano gave her to calm her down....
They all look at her with pity, they now know that their guess about what happened to her is correct
They know that it isn't easy for her to accept her conditions now. All they can do is help her and
Let her know that she is not alone in her struggles....