Chapter 7: Meeting

In the Director's Office

" They finally took a move but with the amount of equipment they have, it seems like they are going to fight a desperate battle. Tsk, tsk. "

[ Well, did you know that human fear the unknown ? ]

" I did know about that and thank you to remind it for me "

[ You are welcome ]

( A couple of minutes pass...)

" What took them so long ? Are they sleeping ? "

[ Actually no, Will. You can see on the monitors that they are carefully advanced and checking the corner for threats. ]

"Fine, Nova can you do me a few favor?"

[ What is it ? ]

" Summon me a bottle of pill that contain SCP-500 please. I want to perform a magic. "

[ Nice, but don't you think that will make them scare you and attempted to contain you ? ]

" Nah, I think they dont. It's true that they are loyal to me but I don't want to force them do something horrible. I respect their free will and want them to live freely; not want them to be puppets. "

[ You speak wisely, that is why I liked you 😘😘😘 ]

" Thanks for your compliment and here is a gift for you ~~ "

[ Wha-...]

He French kiss her.

[ Wa.. What? You jerk. I'm mot ready for this. ]

She then close the connection and silent.

" Nova, Nova ? Hmm, silly girl. ", he chuckled.

Still, she summoned a SCP-500 pills bottle for him.


Dr Tilda POV

" Doc, you okay ? ", asked Eliza.

" I'm fine but I wonder who we will meet and what are him/her/it ? ", replied Tilda.

" Be positive Doc, we are nearly there. "

At the Office's door.

" Tossing flashbang. ", a MTF member talked though his comm. Immediately, a flashbang is hurled in the room. " Tossing another flashbang ", another member follow.

" FREEZE !!!!!! HANDS UP !!!! ", shouted all security and MTF members.

" My, my how rude of you. Let me help all of you with that. ", replied Will politely.

All of their guns and equipment float uncontrollably. All of the sudden they realize that they are sitting on the cozy chairs. " WHAT THE ??? ", they loudly exclaimed; a few members try to stand up and attempted to attack the man who has greeted them earlier but despite their efforts, they are glue to the chairs as a horrifying pressure pressed them down.

" I'm truly apologize for that action of mine, as for the compensation I'm going to answer all of your questions that currently plague your mind and don't worry this is not some memetic hazards. Just relax as I answer your question. "


Dr Edison and Dr Glass POV

As soon as the flashbang goes boom, we rushed in with ' Police here ! Hands up ' but failed. Instead the man in the room made all of our equipment floating over our head and force us to sit down. And we spent a few minutes listen to his apologies and explanation.

Dr Edison: Pstt; Glass, Tilda what do you think about him ?

Dr Glass: He is nice but we must be cautious.

Dr Tilda: I agree with him. We must be prepare for the unknown.

The man: Hey! I heard your talking.

Silence. . . . . . . . .

The man: As nobody is talking please let me take the initiative.


Back to Will POV

As I explained about my behaviour, I noticed there is a disturbance in the atmosphere. At the corner of the room I saw the three doctor quietly converse with each other so to continue my explanation

" Hey! I heard your talking. "

Well that's effective, never thought that they would stop immediately.

" As nobody is talking please let me take the initiative. "

" First my alias is Dr Who and not your Dr Who in the television show. Second as everyone here have clearance level 4 and above then I will tell you about my true name. " I stop to catch a breath.

" Name is Will, nice to meet and work with ya. "
