Chapter 9: Partying

" I'm tired, might as well take a nap "

So I slept straight for about 15 minutes ? That's until someone wake me up.

[ Hey Will, hey wake up ]

" Um, Nova you got me there. Still thinking about that ? "

[ No and you won't ] as she hit my head heavily.

" Ow ! Why did you do that ? "

[ Apparently, I thought that if I hit your head hard, you would forget things. ]

" No it won't work, you will just damage my head further. If you use amnesti... f*xk I have spoke something that must be kept hidden. " as I trembled and sweating bullets.

[ Fu fu fu, why don't we try it now, hehe. ]

" No please I begged ya " as I still trembled.

But well, our little Will pleading is in vain.

He can not escape our Nova-chan power.

" Ugh, why do I feel my body is so stiff and I have a headache. Nova, did something happen to while I was asleep ? "

[ Nothing, Will. ], she smiled.

" Why did I feel that your voice has some trace of uneasiness on it ? "

[ No, you must be imagination. Maybe that is the result of your well being now. ]

" Maybe you are right. " after giving it some thoughts, he quickly dismissed it.

" Well time to go out " with that he quickly left the office.

In the cafeteria

" And that concluded the story. " said Dr Tilda as she finished the explanation.

" That is ? No more ? ", a staff member asked.

" Yes it is, Dr Lance ", said a tired Tilda.

Dr Lance ( I made it up ) a level 3 researcher specialize in temporal anomalies doubt that answer till someone show up. " Worry not Dr Lance for I'm here. " as he turned around and see a man stood in front of him.

" Who are you ? ", he asked.

I replied: " I'm the man that Site Director mention. "

The crowd: WHAAAATT ?

" Easy, easy everyone. As a compensation I will asked nicely. I will give you 3 days long to party and explore the site. It's 3 days. 3 days for all of you to do what I mentioned earlier. On the following day after the third day of partying I will have a surprise for you so dress properly. Dismissed. "

With that said, I quickly left like a wind.

1 day later.

What welcome me was not a neatly cafeteria but a battlefield. You heard it right, a BATTLEFIELD. What currently in this place is a pile of bottle stack up in a corner of the room, people with red face sleep with different poses everywhere.

I encountered a drunk Dr Glass still get to drink more beer from a can ( obviously that can has no more beer )

" Hey Glass, don't try to drink more. That can you have has no more beer. "

" Hey ~~~ , Will come drink some ~~~, * burp * "

" How troublesome. ", I sigh. I wait for around 2 hours and he haven't sobered YET. I try to make him drink some water but it don't work, he made the glass I gave him broken so I have to use my last way: forcefully open his mouth and make him swallow a -500 pill I have brought earlier. The result is 5 minutes later, he has completely recovered.

I asked him:

" Hey, do you remember what happened ? "

He replied:

" Yes I sure do, not to mention you FORCEFULLY open my mouth and fed me a pill. What it is ? Sober pill ? "

" Nah, it's SCP-500 "

" Well you are full of surprises, I see. "

" Okay, where is the other and what happened after I left ? "

" Well to summarize it, after you left we party with all of our might. Drink, sing and other. "

" I see what happened over there. Carry on. " as I glanced to Ed position as he is covered by food and his hair is soaked by beer.

I sigh and then I told Glass:

" Take these and fed Ed plus Tilda; after they awake bring them to my office. " as I waved him off.

Truly to said, after this time I definitely will take precaution for the following party.