5.baby king of shame

Later that night while my parents were asleep I finally upgraded my castle in my farm. I didn't physically go in who knows what kind of monitors wizards have for babies. I didn't want to just up and dissappear you know I'm like a day old or something. I can't be poofing off to god knows where.

Anyway now I have what every king needs, a majestic castle to oversee his bountiful lands. I can't really go in for a few more years so Cassie will continue to take care of it until I'm able to escape the parents notice.

I'm now down to 25.3kgp enough for 2 elves. I'm going to save my sp for stuff I can't buy with gp, I'll have 5.3k left after the summons to spend on supplies and food. I inform Cassie about my plans for the elves. Since they are both linked to me they are allowed to teleport in and out of my kingdom but they cannot bring others without my permission. They are also 100% loyal due to the system so no betrayal of secrets. I quickly summon them in my kingdom.

They look like your typical house elf except a bit more healthy and they speak perfect English. None of that broken squeaking. Their names are tipsy and dipsy they are both dressed in little maid uniforms which are adorable.

"good evening master/mistress" They say as the curtsy.

"Such polite little fellows. For now you'll be taking orders from me for now considering your master can't really do anything for a while. This is his kingdom he so aptly named Dragonreach he needs one of you to go around gathering some plants for him anything from magical to mundane to help improve this kingdom." Cassie explains to the elves their jobs for now and not to be seen.

"I shall do it mistress." volunteers Dipsy excitedly.

"Good he's also told me to tell you your both forbidden from over working and punishing yourselves your also allowed to do anything to protect yourselves from harm." Cassie explains as elves sometimes have bad habits.

"Yes mistress."

"Tipsy you'll stay with me to make food and occasionally help your master clean around the house. Your not to be noticed by anyone but him okay?"

"Yes mistress." says the little elf as she disappears with a pop.

After the elves were settled, I loaded up my shadow hack. The only area I had free was the garden, so I sent it there to get some experience. It can only kill ants right now it's super tiny so I'll have a while before I can use it for anything useful.

I talk with Cassie for a bit and decide to buy the Harry Potter book set for 500gp. so we can refresh our memories and wait for the years when we can actually do things.

I also buy some other novels like Naruto and some danmachi and other novels. I need to work on my collection. I'll buy more important stuff later to plan for new world's.

For now we start the planning I know Harry won't be stuffed at his aunts for another year and I don't think there's really anything I can do to help him out. I'm just a baby myself.

I also have to remember right now is also war time, people are scared, muggles are dying, voldy is scaring children. I don't think there's anything I can do with the little amount of points I have. With just 1 years time my shadow won't be fully grown so it's basically useless. I have zero magical or physical combat prowess. I can't tell people what's going to happen who would believe a baby.

plus the potter are under fidelius right now if I remember correctly or soon will be. Basically my hands are tied for big things. I could try to fix some minor things. I know lunas mother suffers from some magical accident when she is about 7 I could try to get an emergency portkey to St Mungo for her. God knows they might believe me pretty much the whole family are seers from what I recall.

I look up an emergency portkey it's 1ksp I could get that soon just need a few quests. I know the lovegoods and the weasely's live nearby that's one of the reasons I chose the Diggorys.

Well that's one problem we can solve and plan for. There are a few things I know that happen like the diary and the basalisk. That shits dangerous I don't know how to really handle that at the moment but we have years to prepare plans for. The diary I know it opens up the path to horcruxes. But basalisks are super dangerous I mean they kill with sight alone and I don't really know if the rooster thing works. I'll have to read into it more if it works I kill it with the rooster if I doesn't we move onto plan b, I don't know what that plan is but I'll work it out.

Now the closest thing is the philosophers stone and some trinkets I want. I know I can't get rid of the diadem until at least after quirrel goes for the stone. After all he gets that harp for fluffy in the room of requirements and I won't chance him moving all his horcruxes because I had a whim to get rid of it and he just so happened to check, no matter how small the chance is.

I want that potions book Snape has in the dungeon the one from half blood prince I'm going to loot that school like it's a dungeon raid and the high levels left all the good stuff behind and I'm level 1.

I can sell stuff to the shop for gp I can use that isn't linked to the farm. I also plan to snag some magical plants from the greenhouses I'll need to get a herbology book for that I know all plants, animals, and undead stuffed into the farm are 100% loyal and some even help my stats I believe, I'll have to double check.

Next is that whole shit show with Sirius Black, the man's one of my favorite characters and in almost every novel he's dealt a really shit hand I'll help him out at 3rd year.

Man deserves better and who knows maybe I can get a good friend out of it. 4th year is that goblet, do I want to compete? Absolutely. I'll have to find a way to sneak my name in. Maybe with my shadow hack or I can sit back and relax but then someone else might die can't have that.

I plan to save as many people as I can especially the twins. I don't want to pull too much shit cause of the butterfly effect and I know if I talk to dumbles that justice bastard will do everything to meddle. God knows he has to have his nose in everything he's a good man but shit he's way to light.

I know my dad practically worships him but we can't have him in the way. Now then 5th year, hmmm that's the year of the toad right? only thing notable is the death of Sirius which won't happen and the ministry of magic smash. If it still happens I can steal the time turners there and maybe grab some other stuff, I'll go along.

At this point I've pretty much decided to be Harry's friend and help at hogwarts. Only problem is that Ron cunt man, I'll have to do something about that little shit his jealousy makes me angry, petty little whiner. Hermione I'll try to snag her gotta get rid of that authority issue though and the harem thing most regular women don't like that we'll work on it later.

Now then year 6 hmmm the vanishing cabinet and malfoy not to mention the death of the bones matriarch and some others it gets dark there. Amelia bones is one of the best in the ministry, need to save her. What about dumbles he's pretty much dead meat unless I talk to him at the end of year 5. but I don't know what kind of wrench he can throw in my plans. Also that horcrux in gringotts I'll have to talk to the goblins I hope the little buggers are the kind who respond well to politeness. if not then oh well we go from there I'm sure if I offer enough incentives we can work out a plan, muhahahha.

The last year was mostly chaos and camping let's see what we can do eh? Enough planning, time to cry get my food and sleep even heroes like me need naps.